Looks like the greedy Mr. Nelson is trying to work
another $724 out of me.
Mr. Cory i want you to know that i am trying my best to make this transaction to make it successful...Although i haven't inform anyone yet but thats my main plan for now only if you can make up to the fee latest on Monday and i want you to know that anything apart from that on Monday then i will have to look for someone who will be capable of doing it.
As you know this deal is a very risky one that might lead me to jail which i wouldn't want to happen and that means i will not want this transaction to take too long than Tuesday before it is been transfer so by Monday if i don't get the payment either by western union or get the check cash then i will have to look for someone else and thats all i will have to let you know for now.
Mr. Nelson.
Thought I'd go with a different angle for a change

(From a different email address)
WTF is going on here! And how long have you two been plotting some silly little scheme without him bothering to discuss it with me? I demand to know what the hell this "check" business is all about and what he's paying you for before I go straight to the bank and cut off that lying bastard from my finances completely. Until he starts pulling his own weight around here he knows damn well that he can't be writing any fucking checks without my say-so. So something "risky" is going on huh buddy? I'll tell you what's risky, it's risky to be going behind my back, Jack. Whatever it is he's supposed to be doing for you, rest assured that he will screw it up just like he screws up everything and everyone around him. I'm just glad the scrawny retard didn't have the sense to close his email after writing to you. So at least I know where he's been every night when he claims to have been powerwalking at the mall, well, I'm sure he'll be showing up on your doorstep shortly because when he gets home tonight, all his shit is going to be in the middle of the street. And if I find out that he's given you one cent of my money, there's going to be hell to pay for both of you assholes. You can both have a nice life as far as I'm concerned.