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I bet the xbox 2 will work more like a high def pc, in other words act as a converter when the market goes only high def and we have millions of unusable tvs. I'll buy the pc one depending on price.

On the Halo side, does the cic have a clan?

Erkle said:
I bet the xbox 2 will work more like a high def pc, in other words act as a converter when the market goes only high def and we have millions of unusable tvs. I'll buy the pc one depending on price.

The market isn't going high definition only. I think you've misinterpreted a different changeover happening in a year or two here. The only thing like that is that certain broadcasters are required to broadcast digitally by the end of 2006 or something. This is a cessation of analog transmission. It's related to HD, because the digital signals can then be high definition, but regular tvs can receive digital signals as well. There isn't even any FCC mandate for when broadcasters will need to begin transmitting high definition, let alone ceasing to transmit a format that regular tvs can pick up. The XBox 2 will be a couple decades old before they phase out non-HDTVs, long after all the TVs sold are high-def only.

Erkle said:
On the Halo side, does the cic have a clan?

Nope, just ace.
Well, those are two entirely separate things. It looks like there might be both a Halo expansion and new system this year.
The name NexTbox coulld get them into troubles I think. "Next Step" as kinda a successor to Apple Os, as well as the typical "Next Cube" as far as hardware goes do exist for at least 10 years...
From what I heard yesterday there is an expansion pack for Halo 2 slated to hit stores in May or around that time...9 new multiplayer maps. :) Wahoo!
How much ya wanna bet Xbox 2 doesn't make it out til 2006, but these games will be released before then? Microsoft had trouble releasing their Windows OSes with years on them after a while because they were always late, and I think that the games may(like they did for the Nintendo DS and the PSP too I think) come out before the console does. The Xbox2 games may come out in 2005, but, I don't think the Xbox2 will.

I hope this is ok bumping, since it's more than just my own 2 cents.
Jesus said:
How much ya wanna bet Xbox 2 doesn't make it out til 2006, but these games will be released before then? Microsoft had trouble releasing their Windows OSes with years on them after a while because they were always late, and I think that the games may(like they did for the Nintendo DS and the PSP too I think) come out before the console does. The Xbox2 games may come out in 2005, but, I don't think the Xbox2 will.

Umm.. that doesn't actually happen though. Your case is built around a flawed PC analogy and an incorrect assertion about PSP and DS games. It's possible the next XBox might not make it till 2006, but right now indications are that it will be 2005. They haven't announced any date yet, so the date they do announce next month won't be "late" even if it's in 2006. Timing game console launches is inherently different from releasing operating systems however. There's no comparison between Windows and the XBox here. The XBox doesn't have 95% of the market like Windows. It has a small fraction of the market, and mistiming by six months is the sort of thing that doubles of halves market share in this situation. I'm not sure why you've even suggesting some sort of absurd situation where XBox 2 games come out in 2005 while the system lags into 2006. This doesn't happen. Manufacturers know when game systems are coming out, retailers know when game systems are coming out, and neither will use any resources to market software for a platform that doesn't exist. I'll bet you four and a half million dollars that games won't be released in 2005 if the system doesn't come out this year.
All we know about the xbox 2 is that we know nothing... But I pretty much doubt they are going to miss Xmas '05. they will lose a lot of money, if they leave the market for sony and nintendo.

BTW, I heard many people whining about the xbox 2 using regular dvd drives... That is silly. How many xbox games uses more than one dvd? why would they make the machine more expensive if the new tech is not necessary? wireless controllers are a lot more interesting. And the PS3 specs are crazy... Cell processor + next gen dvd... it will either cost a fortune or make sony bleed a lot of money with each console they sell... a lot more than ms did with the xbox.
bah, I find that whole idea of showing off your hardware before someone else's by doing it before E3 repulsive. That's the business approach, and really, it won't make a difference I don't think. Unveiling order is one thing, but what really matters is release order.
Jesus said:
bah, I find that whole idea of showing off your hardware before someone else's by doing it before E3 repulsive. That's the business approach, and really, it won't make a difference I don't think. Unveiling order is one thing, but what really matters is release order.

What's offensive about that? Virtually all major companies hold press conferences in the week prior to E3 to announce what they will be showing at E3. Otherwise it's way too much information overload on the first day of the show.
I think it's a very smart move, MTV is a brilliant place for them to market it as well. (I personally dislike MTV with a passion however as for reaching their target audience MTV is a perfect medium). I may even tune in to watch it. I think that Sony has the right idea to wait though, if they wait till after the xbox announcement they will be able to have time to highlight and emphasize the things their product will offer over the xbox (if any) and if not they can still find a good way to put a good spin on things. :)

Very much looking forward to this...especially if they release it this year.
Chris found some pictures of the new Tomb Raider earlier. I'll probably get a Y-Box for that. Also, because I'll enjoy calling it a Y-Box no matter what they decide the name should be.

That's the same reason I play Multima.
My poor-ass just got an X-Box... I probably won't get the next version of it until Microsoft releases a third version. That's the way it's always been for me. I didn't get a Super Nintendo until the Playstation was introduced, I didn't get a Playstation until the PS2 was introduced, and so forth.
Maj.Striker said:
I think that Sony has the right idea to wait though, if they wait till after the xbox announcement they will be able to have time to highlight and emphasize the things their product will offer over the xbox (if any) and if not they can still find a good way to put a good spin on things. :)

Actually, they had the opposite idea. Microsoft's regular e3 press conference is Monday evening, and Nintendo's Tuesday morning. Sony's was to be Tuesday afternoon, but they bumped it to Monday midday. So the rumor is now that Sony might unveil the PS3 officially at some other event prior now. It's always a tough situation for the PR people though. In the past it's gone both ways. If you're first and you dazzle everyone, you can overshadow the following press conferences. If you're last and you dazzle everyone, you can make them forget about the first conference. You could also make your conference look especially weak if the prior event was a lot better than yours. So I don't think there's any one time slot that's all that much better than another.
I agree with chris. All slots have their advantages and disadvantages. but they seem fixated in being the first...

Well, they also insist in releasing all games together before xmas, instead of taking advantage of seasons with less competitors. It seems that they didn't learn anything with Lucas in summer '77.
Hmm, last I heard Sony was still going to wait on their conference but you're probably right Chris. Typically first makes the biggest boom...but then again I have a Sega Dreamcast that likes to differ. ;)