Nephilim Remodels

while we are at remodeling here. I came to wonder if a new resolution patch for WCP/SO and all fangames such as standoff etc would make sense.

Thinking about 4k. Is that possible to accomplish?
while we are at remodeling here. I came to wonder if a new resolution patch for WCP/SO and all fangames such as standoff etc would make sense.

Thinking about 4k. Is that possible to accomplish?
What do you mean ? You can already run Standoff and WCP/SO in pretty much any resolution your monitor can support in OpenGL mode. What more do you have in mind ?
What do you mean ? You can already run Standoff and WCP/SO in pretty much any resolution your monitor can support in OpenGL mode. What more do you have in mind ?

Is this also true for WCP/SO with the enahnced starfield patch?

Goal is 3.840 x 2.160 with 16:9 Support
The good news is that you can have HD-resolutions even in 4:3. The "Star Trek: TNG" Blu-ray sets are a fine example for this.
Also considering the fact that important Vision-Engine assets are made with 4:3 in mind, it makes sense to keep resolutions in that ratio. :)
The good news is that you can have HD-resolutions even in 4:3. The "Star Trek: TNG" Blu-ray sets are a fine example for this.
Also considering the fact that important Vision-Engine assets are made with 4:3 in mind, it makes sense to keep resolutions in that ratio. :)
Yep, exactly.
The angle is certainly off, but who cares, since it still looks evil enough, right?
Saw this from the news post. Very nice. If the angle is off, I suspect it's because the official render that Pete linked to draws the scene with a wider angle perspective that draws out the prongs further across the screen. Or it could have been deliberately manipulated that way for the sake of the promotional image.
Well, probably it's time for more random arts, since more WCPSO MUP assets are available from my side. So think of it as MUP promo.
Yes, the Leviathan is making it's way into MUP, eventually.

The Leviathan was the most poorly textured of the Nephilim capships. This is going to put that straight, and then some! Lovely work again!

The nose is quite pointy isn't it?
Obviusly, this is not a bug and sort of doesn't belong to this thread. But anyway.
There are fighters underrepresented in mods and elsewhere and they need some love. Those that are, like, not as iconic as Dralthi.
(yes, today we're talking about Cats)
Behold, Grikath!
Done in 6054 polies and 1024x1024 texture, so can be used in pretty much any game or mod around there.
Weapon loadout was a question, since different sources give different data, but in the end I decided I'm happy with 3x neutron guns (and two more in tail turret) and 6x <any missile>, be it FoF, dumbfire or torpedo, whatever the tactical situation requires.


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