Mpanty's bane
So far it works fine enough. Do you remember how much time passed between the false alarms?
I was wondering though, can I download the content I've bought off of live and have it on both machines? I'll be using the same profile on both xboxes and the way I understand it, one of the xboxes will have the content licenses meaning that I can use the content any time, with any profile, online or offline. But from what I've read on the xbox site and xbox forums, I could use the content on my second xbox as long as i'm connected to xbox live and logged into the profile the content is attached to. Is my understanding of the licenses and how they work correct?
I get the red ring of death on mine all the time, except only 3/4 of the ring will blink red.
Just thought I'd drop by to say that two nights ago, I too got the red ring of death on my 360. I was one sad panda about it too because I had the next day off and I had aimed at playing Halo 3 well into the night.
Now I gotta dig up all my paperwork on it and send it in. Weeee!
You will have to since you voided your warranty.If my first one happens to die again I will simply look for more fixes to keep it running.
KrisV said:This is some terrible advice right here.
Not only terrible - but dangerous. Why would you even want to do this?
I'm sure there are people with the technical prowess to do this.