My username, aok?


Hi, I'm new to the forums, not sure I'll participate that much, but a friend recomended me Wing Commander, so I thought I'd check this place out.

The real reason for this post is, I wanted to check if my username was ok with the majority of you guys. I couldn't think of what to name myself, and I'm quite religious, so I thought, "Why not make myself a friendly reminder that Jesus is always present?" I'm not trying to BE a Jesus or anything, but I feel that it is important that those of us who are Christian are constantly reminded of this. Anyone of another religion can just shrug me off as some guy with a weird name, but for those of you who care, is this name ok? It's not for a cruel purpose or anything...
Jesus said:
Anyone of another religion can just shrug me off as some guy with a weird name, but for those of you who care, is this name ok?

I don't think you'll have any objections unless theres a major discussion/arguement/propaganda speech about religious beliefs. The CIC tends to lean away from such things - but as it stands its kind of "don't ask, don't tell".
Fine with me -- there are plenty of people named Jesus, and plenty of people here who wear their religion on their CZ accounts.
There's tons of Jesus' in Latin American countries especially. One of the porters at a dealership I worked at was named Jesus. I've got a Christian quote (modified for WC) in my sig. and no one seems to mind- some like it. Welcome to the forums brother.
Mjr. Whoopass said:
There's tons of Jesus' in Latin American countries especially. One of the porters at a dealership I worked at was named Jesus. I've got a Christian quote (modified for WC) in my sig. and no one seems to mind- some like it. Welcome to the forums brother.

In all fairness, I've always thought your signature quote pretty silly simply because nobody ever goes to Nephilim territory.
I like sillyness... but on the same subject is it possible to change your user name? I'm only asking because 'Paddybhoy' isn't that good a name when i think about so I might change it.

(If you can think of a good name let me know also please)
If using the name "Jesus" is important to you, I think we can all be mature enough to respect that.
Paddybhoy said:
I like sillyness... but on the same subject is it possible to change your user name? I'm only asking because 'Paddybhoy' isn't that good a name when i think about so I might change it.

If you don't like it, I'd suggest you just sign your signature with something additional that you prefer. And perhaps include a warning to prospective registrants to carefully consider their name in the future.
Bandit LOAF said:
In all fairness, I've always thought your signature quote pretty silly simply because nobody ever goes to Nephilim territory.
Consider it changed.
Sphynx said:
If using the name "Jesus" is important to you, I think we can all be mature enough to respect that.

wow. I'm so glad. This forum as a whole is very mature compared to some other forums I've seen on the web.
Jesus said:
wow. I'm so glad. This forum as a whole is very mature compared to some other forums I've seen on the web.
People's optimism about this forum's maturity is not entirely justfied, unfortunately. Most people here are, or at least can be mature - but a few exceptions is more than enough.

Personally, as a Christian, I must say that I think your choice of name was a mistake, and posts like this one will most likely soon lead you to the same conclusion. I mean, I'm not offended by your use of the name, but I fear that it will have the exact opposite effect to what you were hoping, because people will turn it into a joke. Indeed, I believe that's the reason why we have the 2nd Commandment (not to be confused with the 2nd Amendment :D)...
Heh, indeed. I don't mean for it to be taken completely seriously, but, I do want it to be noticed. So long as people are noticing it, they'll think of something when they see that name, and that's all I'm aiming to do.
Lots of people are called Jesus. We're not in a situation where we need to run every username by McGruff and change it if he's going to be an idiot about it.