No, no, and no. Standoff is already a Wing Commander spinoff. We have no plans to continue Standoff by any means, once it's done, it's done.
We're just too damned tired. Counting the time spent on UE before Standoff, I've been working on WC mods for almost exactly nine years now. My whole damned adult life up until this point, most of my spare time has gone into Wing Commander. That's really gotta stop...
I mean, there is some marginal chance that we'll wind up working on another WC project - a marginal chance. I still have half a dozen ideas I'd love to work on. But at the moment, even finding the energy to finish Standoff is a challenge. Most likely, our future mods are gonna be something like that mythical creature named UE2 - in other words, they'll be something we'll talk about every once in a while, but we'll never actually seriously start working on them.