Other question are these fighters. I do not go to add them by one good reason. Too many fighters/bombers are not neccesary. At the end, many of them would be very similar and without differences between them.
You know, this is an aspect of warfare that I have yet to see convincingly well-portrayed in any game or mod: the strategic differences between relying on few aircraft types, versus many aircraft types. If you look at WWII, for instance, you'll notice that the Allied forces tended to rely on many fighter types that were quite similar to one another, while the Axis (Italy excepted) seemed to generally prefer having fewer types.
The benefit of having many types is that you're able to push new technologies into battle faster, because while one fighter is being mass-produced, another fighter can be revised even with a pause in production, without significant disruptions to the flow of equipment to the front lines - and it is feasible to make bigger, bolder upgrades, without worrying about failure, because risks are spread out among more fighter types. The disadvantage is logistical - individual types are produced in fewer numbers, and it is harder to keep everyone supplied with spare parts, because you need to produce a bigger variety of parts, and you need to better coordinate which unit gets which parts. And of course, there's also the issue of pilots having to constantly change fighter types.
Conversely, the benefits of having fewer types are that you get to produce them in greater quantities, thus avoiding shortfalls at the frontline. And it's easier to keep everyone supplied, and your pilots can master their aircraft faster. But, their aircraft will also eventually be rendered somewhat obsolete, because it's harder to pause production for a major overhaul of a fighter (the Germans constantly had this problem: to change anything in the Bf-109, they needed to pause production for a few days, at a time when their frontline units needed thousands of aircraft every month just to keep up).
I'm just thinking aloud here, but I wonder if any of these games, whether it's SOASE or Homeworld, provide sufficiently sophisticated scripting capabilities to even try simulating this kind of thing with bonuses and maluses applied depending on the number of fighter types in service at any given moment. That could make for very interesting gameplay, where all of a sudden, introducing a new fighter that's better than the one you're currently using, but not hugely better, actually becomes a dilemma instead of a no-brainer.