Mission 8 questions


I defeated all the fighters, scanned the new ship, and destroyed it. I autopilot back to the carrier and get a mission failed message.
You gotta kill those Mantas before they escape at nav 1. If they do escape, they bring back company back at the Dauntless NAV.
great, have to kill something that immediately afterburner aways faster than my rock can afterburner
well, at least now I know what I have to do
and knowing is half the battle ;)
privfan said:
great, have to kill something that immediately afterburner aways faster than my rock can afterburner
well, at least now I know what I have to do
and knowing is half the battle ;)

Engage them fast, use missiles as needed. That worked for me.
privfan said:
great, have to kill something that immediately afterburner aways faster than my rock can afterburner
well, at least now I know what I have to do
and knowing is half the battle ;)
Wrong - they afterburner away when they detect you. If you take some basic precautionary measures (keep quiet, keep your wingman quiet, don't use afterburners with their big, bright engine flames...), you can get right up close to them before engaging.
hmm. might have to try that just to see who it changes things

But I was able to get them just blazing in. just had to keep hitting T until I found them then I would fire 2 heat seakers at each one. Either there were only 2 Mantas or my wingman earned his pay and got some too

full guns on those rock ships is sweet. and single fire on the mass drivers is pretty cool too, has a machinegun effect since there are 4 MDs