Maniac's Home of Record


Now, it has always been my understanding that Maniac comes from the planet Leto [sic?]. In Wing Commanders I & III (not sure about II... never played it), Maniac is said to come from Leto.

Now, in Wing Commander IV, in the flight roster loadout, it shows Maniac's homeworld as Earth. Anyone else notice this...?

So, like, depsite that mistake, Maniac is from Leto, right?
I don't know. The same thing happens with Hawk's homeworld too. I'm sure there's some simplistically contrived series of events that would lead those two facts to be true at the same time.

Like in Hawk's case: His homeworld in IV is said to be Ella Minora, but in Prophecy it's said to be Milon II. So, people have decided that he was born on Milon II, but took Ella Minora as his new home, much like Blair lived on Nephele after the war.

Um... I probably have that wrong. But in any case, just slap that explanation to Maniac, and boom, it's true. No "The game designers flubbed" on this board. :p *L*
Originally said by Maniac
I'm a Proxie - homeworld Leto, Proxima Centauri IV. When the colonization started, anyone with any brains or skills high tailed it off Earth, and most of them ended up on Leto. That's why Proxies kick homeborn Terrans around in the ratings.
My understanding is that the WCIV 'homeworld' bit refers to the pilot's current place of residence... hence Hawk is listed as Ella rather than Mylon, and Maniac and Vagabond are listed as Sol rather than their actual place of birth...

He is, indeed! He made for some of the funniest moments in WC III & IV. I haven't played Prophecy... when I find it I will.

I never played WC II, either. Was Maniac even in it? If so, was he the same ol' Maniac?

*sigh*- I need to buy the Kilrathi Saga!

Maniac is in all of the games that Blair is. WCI through Prophecy.
If you want a copy of Prophecy, get the Gold Edition. There's a link on the "Where to Buy" section here on the CIC to an online UK store that is still selling WC:P Gold in a package deal for a very cheap price.
"Always with you it cannot be done..."

$160 is about right for Kilrathi Saga, buddy. It's a steal at $100 and has gone for, what was it, over $200? :)

WHOA! Yeah- right now I'm in a bid war with some guy named IceMan2000-or-other. So far I've got the high bid at $41.00 but he sent me an email just before that saying "I hope you're prepared to go into the 100s with this one."

Ha ha ha!
The bank...

When Kilrathi Saga gets re-released on some compilation disc for 20 bucks, I'll be laughing at every single lunatic who ever bid for KS on eBay, all the way to the bank. THE BANK OF SMARTNESS!
Well, Kilrathi Saga probably *won't* be rereleased... for several reasons --

1: Classics are generally games that have had too many copies produced -- a quick, cheap way to unload extra copies of ShadowCaster, or games that were so popular new (Red Alert) that you're sure to sell lots of copies of the classics. Kilrathi Saga was neither overproduced nor popular <G>

2: It doesn't fricking work. It's a *bad* Win95 conversion of WC2, and the WC3 is exactly the same as the already released WC3 classic. And WC1 is free with PC Gamer.
was free with an issue of PC Gamer. I really doubt a person's luck in finding a damned copy of the CD these days. Unless you like to them at PCG, but thats dishonest. :(
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
2: It doesn't fricking work. It's a *bad* Win95 conversion of WC2, and the WC3 is exactly the same as the already released WC3 classic. And WC1 is free with PC Gamer.
What's wrong with it then? It works fine here on Windows XP, and has also worked fine on Win9x/ME. Okay, getting Secret Missions to work in XP takes some trickery, but other than that it's fine.
Unless you're going to tell me that WC2 had good keyboard controls. If that was so, than the KS WC2 is baaaaad! :cool:
I used to have the DOS WC2, but I last played it when I was 12, so I can't remember. Now the disks have not much more use than the average paper-weight.
The keyboard controls were fine in the original, they aren't in the KS version <G> It has all this horrid little annoyances -- shields won't show up on the VDUs, entire pieces of music are missing, and so forth... it's just not a good port.
Re: Yes

Originally posted by Col.Dom
I never played WC II, either. Was Maniac even in it? If so, was he the same ol' Maniac?

Maniac changed through the games. In WCI he and you were both 2nd Lts. assigned to the Tiger's Claw. He was always talking about going in "guns blazing" and giving you bad advice. The other pilots would correct him, but he never really listened. During Secret Missions 1, he started to crack. He kept having dreams about going kamikazee into the Sivar Dreadnaught. By SM2 he had been yanked off the flight roster because he was defintely having mental problems. He was put back in when things got desperate.

He actually wasn't in WC2 or Special Operations 1, though they did make reference to him in conversation in WC2. He had appearently gotten his act togther. He was supposed to have been responsible for the destruction of several Kilrathi capships, but most folks said they just ran in to each other. In SO2, he was the leader of a test squadron called the Wild Eagles. So he was doing alright. I don't want to give too much detail on the off chance you get the games. SO2 marks the change in his character to comic relief. In the earlier games he was the example of what you didn't want to be, but he wasn't all that funny, just kinda pathetic. Now he is pathetic and funny. :)
Originally posted by Unforgiven

I used to have the DOS WC2, but I last played it when I was 12, so I can't remember. Now the disks have not much more use than the average paper-weight.

I played mine a few weeks ago....... I need to play WC1 again.....
Originally posted by LeHah
"Always with you it cannot be done..."

$160 is about right for Kilrathi Saga, buddy. It's a steal at $100 and has gone for, what was it, over $200? :)

i remember some selling for 500