Making WC DVD-case covers (1. try)

I'd say the second one fits better for a cover as well. If you would redo them for 300dpi that would be great - I don't think we need 600dpi for that, cause it's not scanned in or so and we have to make the text on our own anyway ;)
Btw, if you want, I could make some screenshots in 1024x768 (or 1280x1024, if I'm lucky) in glide mode for the cover back - would look slightly better than Direct3d ;)
For the front a ship in the wcp video engine (or what it's called) - like on the prophecy cover - would be best, I'd say. The Cerberus is a good idea - or maybe a panther, like on most cd-covers.
I'm not sure where StewMc got his but Mine was a Screen capture of the installer.

For the Cerberus I was talking about puting it on the cd-label not the cover because the Original Prophecy cd labels have ships on them and it's the only new ship in SO. Though that might not be a bad idea to ahve it part of the cover.

What about one of the loading mission screens? Is there a good on in there?

I just went looking through my pictures and the SO Splash screen looks good. Low dpi but maybe you can work with it. I can send you two a copy if you want.
Thx for the offer. But I've got SO full version as well ;)
The problem with most of the loading screens are the low res. But I haven't tried out yet whether the loading screen turns 1280x960 as well when using the glide wrapper...
For the Cerberus I was talking about puting it on the cd-label not the cover because the Original Prophecy cd labels have ships on them and it's the only new ship in SO.
Good idea :) Although I haven't used cd covers anymore, already killed some cds thx to that :( But maybe you have got better cd labels. If so: Which ones? I used to have HP ones, but that's quite some time ago.
Oh, and if you could manage to get it in a similar color style like the WCP ones that would be really great :)
Hey, I just got an idea: Why not make some kind of layout ideas for the dvd size cover? I mean: Just putting things together to tell what idea is best for front etc? This way we would get the best idea what all one's idea might look like ;)
Hey, I just got an idea: Why not make some kind of layout ideas for the dvd size cover? I mean: Just putting things together to tell what idea is best for front etc? This way we would get the best idea what all one's idea might look like ;)

um...I think fallow you. (must not be awake yet. :o ) Want to clarify?

I just got the Verbatim label maker so I haven’t tested it yet but I almost have the SO cd label done accept for one problem. I can't figure out how to make the Cerberus's background transparent. Any ideas. :confused:
It's not your fault, but mine, cause i didn't know how you would call what I am talking about ^^
So here is my idea for the front (just idea, nothing serious):
See here
And YES, it is indead very ugly made ;)
So a short explanation: My idea for the front is to make a jump-hole (or how it's called) just like on the prophecy cover, but (maybe) in a different color (needn't be red or purple, but that was just the easiest color changing for me ^^). Anothe thing that would be different is the fighter coming out of it. - maybe the panther, maybe a bomber etc.
And to the back: That could look similar to the prophecy back as well, maybe diff color etc.

Hope now you got what I tried to say in my previous post ^^

EDIT: To the Cerberus: Well, what I'd do is the real hard way and cut it out of the back manually. But I guess they are defenitely easier ways to do it.
I love the ideas in that mockup Wuqked. I'm working on a high-res logo just now, will hopefully post it tomorrow. :)

I'm wondering if the Prophecy Gold box would be any use to us. It's been a few years since I owned it, and I can't remember if the back of the box has a seperate portion for SO or if it's all in together. Anyone own it?

Re the Cerberus, didn't someone create a high res 3D model of it that was recently posted on the CIC?
I have both. The back of the gold has two SO pictures and some bullet statements on the game. Not much but it is something that could be added to the case.
Here is my attempt at a high res SO logo. It should be just about big enough for a cover, the "Wing Commander" logo came from my Prophecy DVD Cover.

Also, here is a Photoshop file with the original layers intact should you wish to remove the black background or fiddle about with the individual brightness settings (at the moment the shadow of the 'Secret Ops' logo is rather hard to see). ;)

The logo's flawed in many ways, but should be more or less adequate. :)
Wow that came out very nice. :D
Personally I wouldn't have a shadow for the SO logo. I know you did it because they did but it doesn't make sense to have one. It's supposed to be a stamp so why did they put it in there? :confused:
Here is a quick scan of the back of the gold box dealing with SO


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Good point about the shadow, it's on a seperate layer so can be very easily removed. :)

Thanks for that scan, at least there's an official description that can be used. Not quite sure what the rest of the back cover could be! Damn them for using the other logo though! :mad: Ah well, I still prefer the 'stamp'. :D
I can send you a copy of the back if you want.

I'm just starting to learn how to use the label maker program I got but here is a basic idea of what I was think of. :o

What do you think? :confused:


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Sorry guys. It has been quite a whle since I posted here the last time, but I was in hospital for one week (after being ill for another one) :(
I'll start working again on the promised covers soon again.