Make New Friends, But Keep The Old (March 3, 2007)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
Sean Murphy has one more treat for us -- a render of the original TCS Midway model in the same position as the new version from Wing Commander Arena! Now you can really compare the two -- good luck deciding on a wallpaper! Prophecy's Midway never fails to impress, especially coming after the rectangular Confederation carriers in Wing Commander III and IV... she's a rare design that's both elegant and imposing.

Original update published on March 3, 2007
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I still prefer the old midway. Kind of got me thinking that an old pic of the old midway or is that a new one that was made and if so who knows what might be going on....just me being hopeful I suppose
Sorry, nothing like that. I asked Sean Murphy, the artist who originally created the Midway for Prophecy, if he could render it in the same 'shot' as the new Arena one so that people could compare them... and he was kind enough to oblige (real quick, too!).

So, no secret project using the original Midway... but it's really great that the Origin guys are still hanging out and helping us out ten years later -- that's dedication!
Comparing the two shots, it really does drive home the fact that the Midway class ship for Arena is probably a later flight model, heh a lot of the "flimsier" elements of the nameship are gone, with a lower bridge and the rear pod being more closely attached to the hull.

That's a neat touch.
Oooh. Pretty. It kinda wierd, the original looks bigger to me, even with the new one's bulkiness. Odd. Still, lovely pictures.
I have to admit, I think I prefer the older shape. The new one seems too "overdressed" and out of proportion to the rest of the Wing Commander series. However, thats not to say I dont like it all togather. I just hope the make a new WC for the PC, and its 1st person simulation! C'mon EA, you know you want to!

Aaah, I see. The original midway there is the one they used in the Prophecy FMV's. Nice.
The only problems I have with the new model are the "fat hips" and the new bridge position. It makes much more sense that the bridge be hunkered closer to the body of the ship, I'm just not diggin' it aesthetically. ;)
The only problems I have with the new model are the "fat hips" and the new bridge position. It makes much more sense that the bridge be hunkered closer to the body of the ship, I'm just not diggin' it aesthetically. ;)

Haha, I know what you mean by fat hips!
Compared it looks Fat, yes.

However, this is not THE TCS Midway we all flew off in WCP, but another ship of thesame class, right?

It's antennas remind me of a strange stealth/jamming ship from WC4(unsure).

I do not like the look of the new ship either, but first lets play the game and argue then?
Oh okay. Just wanted to see if the first time I asked that question I was being ignored on PURPOSE. ;) :p