All your belief cannot absolve your sin.
Chris, good point. I hadn't even thought of the "flashy title" aspect.
I don't see the attraction to this one way or another.
Each release, distributed by 20th Century Fox, will be a two-disc set that also includes the digitally tweaked 2004 edition.
Worf said:After all, you have the original VHS, some DVDs, the box sets, the prequel DVDs, the preqel box sets, special editions, etc
As the person said themselves, another post said the opposite thing. I wouldn't be surprised if his theories changed again.Bandit LOAF said:I'd wait for actual news; a shockingly poorly written "editorial" on a website isn't worth the paper it's not printed on.
Bandit LOAF said:I'd wait for actual news; a shockingly poorly written "editorial" on a website isn't worth the paper it's not printed on.
Mav23 said:Well checking the website again it states that the news is "absolutely true" and is no rumor. Having been confirmed by Lucasfilm or some such.
Delance said:That have nothing to do with Lehah's complaint about the "low quality" of the sound. Of course the release of the OT on DVD is true.