Looking for volunteers for a WCTO test game


I'd like to start a play-by-mail test game of Wing Commander: Tactical Operations. (If you never heard of it and want to find out, search for the WCTO thread in the "Fan Projects & Editing" forum.) I'll need at least two volunteers who should comply with the following requirements:

- You have read and understood the WCTO Game Manual in its current version (0.12).
- You are willing to deliver your game turns within 48 hours, preferrably less. (10-25 turns total.)
- You are willing to provide constructive feedback during or upon the end of the game.
- You don't care if other wingnuts can watch you go down in flames (as I'm going to put each game turn online).

Since the first game will be a beginner's dogfight after all, you can choose between two fighters:


Fast and nimble - two mass drivers, no missiles. Not too fancy, granted, but she gets the job done.


Two neutron guns, one DF missile, no fear. At least you need to be fearless to trade in some shield strength for a single Paw DF and that extra charge of afterburner fuel...

If you're up to it, drop me a pm or answer directly to this thread!

P.S.: Thanks to Wildcat for his great Confed and Kilrathi logo!

Since I shirked the Standoff test role (shame on me!), I should be able to give you a match with 24hr turnaround. I play a lot of tabletop wargames, including the excellent Battlefleet Gothic game by Games Workshop which seems outwardly similar to this project insofar as it involves space warship combat (Warhammer 40,000 is cool, but we all know WC is better!). I'd like to think therefore that I could give some constructive feedback on game mechanics etc.

I played a game of WC-TacOps or two under the orginal beta rules too.

Feel free to PM me for my email address.

Oh yes, and I'll fly the Sartha - Die you furless freak!

I am more than willing to be a guinea Pip! (I know, I meant to have feedback before...)

I should be able to give 24 - 48 hr turnaround; I see my e-mail most every evening.

ETA: Since Kavok wants to fly the Sarthas, I suppose it is upon me to defend the Honor of the Confederation Internal Security Service and their little Ferrets!


I must say that Ironduke has proved as good as his word in terms of responding to feedback. We're all getting more familiar with the rules as we put them into practice, and ironing out kinks as well as adding to some rules for certain situations.
It would be nice to have some support for both pilots in this very public fight, however! I don't mean miniskirt-clad cheerleaders, but.... well, yes I do. Anyone got some sexy kat girls to spur us on?


I must say that Ironduke has proved as good as his word in terms of responding to feedback. We're all getting more familiar with the rules as we put them into practice, and ironing out kinks as well as adding to some rules for certain situations.
It would be nice to have some support for both pilots in this very public fight, however! I don't mean miniskirt-clad cheerleaders, but.... well, yes I do. Anyone got some sexy kat girls to spur us on?


I can only echo Kavok. Including calls for miniskirt clad cheerleaders. Though I'll take mine without fur and tails, thankyouverymuch.

This is actually a lot of fun!
Thanks, guys! It's also helping me to refine the rules and - last, but not least - to kick my own lazy butt to continue working on the game. ;)

As for "hot kat girls," I can only think of the Sivar-Eshrad priestess at the moment. But that'd probably be blasphemy with the Kilrathi... :D
The way you're circling each other is most amazing. :)

Anyway, I'll cheer for the Kilrathi: go Kavok, go! Show him how crummy furball technology holds up against the hairless apes.

(I can wiggle with my tail if that turns you on...:p)
So, from what I see there should have been some gunfire traded. How did it turn out for the tireless defender of the Empire? Is the hairless ape going down?
So, from what I see there should have been some gunfire traded. How did it turn out for the tireless defender of the Empire? Is the hairless ape going down?
Nope, no gun fire yet. The mass drivers' range is 3 hexes, but Kavok's Sartha is 4 hexes away from Pip's Ferret. It was a close call, and fortunately for our furred friend, this Ferret doesn't carry any missiles.

I'll take record if someone inflicts damage on the website, and I'll also update the ship stat sheets. Right now, we're waiting for Kavok's turn - since Pip is in tailing position this turn, Kavok has to reveal to him in which direction he's going to turn (if any).
Ah, ok. I thought that maybe between turns 4 and 6, there would have been opportunity to trade shots. But I haven't read the rules yet so...

Anyway, since I liked Battletech quite a lot, I think I'll have a look into this in the near future.
Well, first I have to read the rules which will take some time. But I will get my four wisdom teeth pulled out on the 1st of octobre, so I should have some time then.
Second, I would need an adversary (dibs on the Kilrathi ship!).