Looking for Hungarian fans

I'm Hungarian

Yup, it's true. I've also been lurking for like 2 years now, I never really had a reason to reply to any topic.

So yeah, there you go.
A Guy wrote: Hunagrian in the topic title.
And you answered this:

Ripper said:
What's a Hunagrian? :confused:


Ripper said:
I realize that humor is a difficult concept. It is not logical.

Keep trying someday you will understand what is Humor and how to make good jokes.
Adrean sais "im a Hungarian"

So this goes to Adrean: Azt állítod magyar vagy? Bizonyítsd be: válaszolj erre ékes anyanyelveden és máris minden tök király.

Thanks for the replies, you guys must have got a lot of spare to write such idiotic things.
Since you're new, I'll advise you to use only WC-related languages. That includes (but is not limited to) English, American, French, and Kilrathi.

Oh, and welcome to the CIC Forums. :)

Im Hungarian. but your profile saiz your in sacramento?

So what you got to do with Hungary?

Anyway, its nice to have someone with a Hungarian name. :)
Bandit LOAF said:
Sacramento, Hungary.

Have you ever seen the map of planet Earth?

TO Hu.:

Hogy találtál erre a fórumra, te is rajongó vagy, vagy csak spontán véletlen?

Én leginkább nosztalgiázni vagyok itt. Meg 3d anim filmet csinálok számítógépen a WC témában.
Hungarian people, this is a public, English-speaking forum. It would be nice if you´d use the Private Message function to talk in other languages to each other.
To Lord:
Teljesen veletlen talaltam erre. Kerstem valamit a Yahoo-n es lattam hogy ki volt irva valami ilyesmi hogy : " Looking for hungarian Fans" es gondoltam benezek...
Excuse me for writing in hungarian. But I cant send PM's to the guy. The machine or server or whatever sais that he is full, and cand receive any more massages, and he set his account to not enable anyone to get letters from this forum.
Thats it why Ive written here. This thread sais in its name: Lookin for HUNGARIAN fans, and not anyone else. If you dont like it then delete it.

And I did understood it Bread. Sorry, LOAF.

Excuse my uneducatedness, but what does LOAF mean, or where does it come from?
As I explained, this is a public forum, where 99.9% of the users speak English. So it is not fair to write stuff that only 0.00001% of the CZers can understand. If you want to talk to him in Hungarian, you could use ICQ or e-mail instead. If you write in English more people can join the conversation and we can all have a good time here.

Senão vai pro inferno você e a sua tropa de Húngaros!

see, I just complimented you in Portuguese and you´ll never figure out what it means. Hope you get my point.