whew, took me day to figure out the names that nexus wants for engines and such are surface names, not part names
so now, that's what the WC:T ships look like in the model viewer(and ingame)
the hornet:
the dralti:
and the snakeir:
btw, does anybody know how to create "single point polygons" in lightwave?
it's something to do with the points to polys button, i know, but, do i need to lelect the point i want to convert or deselct them or something?
i really need to know for the turrets!

so now, that's what the WC:T ships look like in the model viewer(and ingame)
the hornet:

the dralti:

and the snakeir:

btw, does anybody know how to create "single point polygons" in lightwave?
it's something to do with the points to polys button, i know, but, do i need to lelect the point i want to convert or deselct them or something?
i really need to know for the turrets!