Lend us your voice!

Probably... If I could figure out which filters, I could do all the Kilrathi voices myself :p
I haven't heard UE's Kilrathi voices, but they weren't they done through filtering? Or am I thinking of the ICIS voice-overs?
Our Kilrathi voices probably underwent some small degree of filtering, I can't really remember :p. But they weren't anything like the WCP Kilrathi anyway. I've been able to get much closer to WCP Kilrathi by applying a bunch of filters to some voiceovers overmortal sent me... it definitely takes more than just filters, however - without the right sort of voice and acting under the filters, it won't sound very good.
What filters have you tried? What else do you needs to happen to the sound to make it more Kilralthi? I have a bunch of filters with a billion variable settings on each in differnet recording programs I use - they're really for music, not voices but they will work an any wav, and I have applied them voice before (although I usually I apply them to saxophones and the like). If you tell me what else you want done to the sound, I can tell you if I have any filters that could be used.
I think there was the text 'Kilrathi voice effects' among the WC3 credit lines.

I guess the human voice was modulated somehow.
Yah. I IMed Loaf and took care of it. I agreed that, if I felt the need to point out what an assbag he is, I shouldn't do it in the main forums of the CZ, but rather in the Off Topic Zone. And, after asking nicely, he unbanned me. Thanx, Loaf!
Erm, okay.

Anyway, I started playing WC3 again, and noticed that the voices in the FMV sound a bit like the actor has had his voice duplicated several times, different filters applied to each, and then the different voices layered over each other.

At least, it seems that way, because occasionally I can hear Tim Curry's voice in Melek, and Paladin's voice in Thrakhath.
I think that they apply some kind of echo thingy to the voices, with different portions of each line having different echo delay, volume and reverb characteristics.

Overmortal, you've got your voice in the mail ;).

Michael, the filter mix that I've tried is (in GoldWave) - mechanise (61), with an echo (0.03 delay, 75 vol, no reverb) and a lower pitch (0.900, preserving the original length). The end result still isn't as good as WCP Kilrathi, but it's better than UE Kilrathi at least.
I've taken the liberty of uploading these wav files to my website. The first two are the ones that Quarto e-mailed back to me this morning. They're me, quoting Thrakhath in a kilrathi voice. The third is me, unfiltered, quoting a Kilrathi in Privateer. I think this one sounds closer to a WCP kilrathi than my other ones did, and if Quarto does the filtering right, it'll come out great.


Let us all know what you think.
The 1st 2 are okay, yet with a lot of static. The last one sounds more like an orc from Warcraft 2-FT than a Kilrathi, of course they just need some filtering.
Sorry for the double post, but, Quarto, when you get the latest one filtered up, I'd like to hear it, too.

By the way, I'm convinced that the best way to get a good, throaty Kilrathi voice, like the one in WCP, is for the voice actor to do his most convincing voice, but deliver the line as quickly and articulately as possible. Then, slow the sample down and apply filters to that. Take the third link I posted (the quote from privateer) and slow it down to between -30 and -60 on the pitch scale (I did this using Yamp). It sounds MUCH better, however slow. I think it might work. Give me a good sample line and I'll warm up the old vocal chords and see what I can come up with.
I'm really interested to try this, but I don't think we have any microphones around... I'll have to look around first, but If I find one, I'd like to volunteer (do you need a Canadian accent, eh? You Hoser)
It's pretty simple, KW. I mentioned what I did a bit earlier in the thread:
Quarto said:
The filter mix that I've tried is (in GoldWave) - mechanise (61), with an echo (0.03 delay, 75 vol, no reverb) and a lower pitch (0.900, preserving the original length). The end result still isn't as good as WCP Kilrathi, but it's better than UE Kilrathi at least.
The order in which you do this probably affects the end result; the above is the order I used. Also, the sample you're trying to alter matters as well - you really need a good Kilrathi-like sample to begin with.