Death Angel
Rear Admiral
I'd love to see some of these taking damage or exploding. This is such a cool way to model WC ships. This makes me want to give this stuff a try.
There is no try - do or do not
I'd love to see some of these taking damage or exploding. This is such a cool way to model WC ships. This makes me want to give this stuff a try.
first of all: hello! my Nick is Sunny and I'm a fresh meat here in this forums.
Hi Death Angel, nice models. I'm currently trying to reproduce them in MLCAD, but I am not clear on some of their parts. Could you (pretty please) give a better view of the Salthi's engines, plus an exploded view of one? I could also use some close-ups of the Dralthi's tail and cockpit. Lastly a few more views of the Hornet would be sweet! If you don't have time I understand, but it would be awesome indeed if you would be as so kind as to post more pretty pictures!