"Learn something new every day"


I found out that almost all video game companies in the USA have their HQs in central California. I live within an hour/half hour of Namco, Ubisoft, EA, Cryptic Studios, and Capcom.
If you think that's useful then you need to know this:

If you had the population of china walk past you in single file then it would never end due to the rate of reproduction.
Although I haven't fact checked it, I heard that given one square foot each, the entire population of the planet would fit in Jacksonville, Florida.
Happy Camper said:
If you think that's useful then you need to know this:

If you had the population of china walk past you in single file then it would never end due to the rate of reproduction.

It would be pretty hard for them to keep up that reproduction rate while walking single file in front of you...
I've learned that shitbird BUD/S trainees who have articles written about them in their hometown about how they "die before they'll quit" will quit 5 days upon reporting here, before they even start Phase.

(like how this one clown had every Instructor and West Coast Team guy waiting for him after they read the noted news article)
I've learned that Russian Trawlers are probably just Intel ships. No trawler needs *that* many antennae.
Today i've learned that there are still good people in the world ;)

russian spies you say? hmmm interesting idea.
Yesterday I learned that the video game New Legends would've looked fantastic on the N64, and I was lucky enough to pay only $5.99 for that piece of crap.
Today I learned that there are more sheep in wales than there are people. There are around 5 million people in wales and around 9 million sheep. There are also more chickens than there are people in the world, and there are more cars (now) than there were people in 1870.
Pah, 5 to 9 million, that's not even 2 to 1. IIRC, in New Zealand the sheep outnumber the people 7 to 1.
Happy Camper said:
If you had the population of china walk past you in single file then it would never end due to the rate of reproduction.

We should probably keep urban legends and myths out of this discussion.

Jesus said:
I found out that almost all video game companies in the USA have their HQs in central California. I live within an hour/half hour of Namco, Ubisoft, EA, Cryptic Studios, and Capcom.

A lot of companies just in general have headquarters in California.
ChrisReid said:
A lot of companies just in general have headquarters in California.
California is also the place that Death Metal originated. It has now split up into three sub-sub-genres, grindcore (most american stuff e.g. slipknot, obitury, morbid angel), noiscore (everywhere, e.g. Cult of Luna), and Gothenburg (I'll bet you can guess where that came from, best sub-sub-genre of the lot). Bands inlude Dark Traquility, In Flames and Arch Enemy.

Bet you didn't know that! :D
You forgot "Power Noise". (Those sub-subgenres are all godawful terrible. I'd rather listen to Lou Reed's damned machine music album than those tasteless, talentless loads of crapola.)
I learned today that the mayor of Wilkes-Barre is a complete dumbass. He stated earlier today that something big was going to happen in W-B, something so big, that it would change how the world looked at this city in PA. Well guess what this "big" thing is?

A new marketing thing called "I Believe", because just by believing that W-B will become a better place, IT WILL! Jesus-tapdancing-Christ this man is a genius!
Today i learned that practicing before a gig prevents complete humilitation.

As in my case, we didn't practice for a show...and I managed to look like a asswipe before 200+ people. Not that I'm not an asswipe anyways...
Happy Camper said:
California is also the place that Death Metal originated. It has now split up into three sub-sub-genres, grindcore (most american stuff e.g. slipknot, obitury, morbid angel), noiscore (everywhere, e.g. Cult of Luna), and Gothenburg (I'll bet you can guess where that came from, best sub-sub-genre of the lot). Bands inlude Dark Traquility, In Flames and Arch Enemy.

Bet you didn't know that! :D

Since I truly hate said genre of "music" I really could care less. However I thought it might be worth pointing out that Slipknot is a band from Iowa...not California.
I've met a couple of the guys...without all the crap and noise they're pretty decent fellows.