Yeah, the game just doesn't accept simultaneous key input and a couple things like that.
When you say simultaneous key input, does that include... say control and e? I can't seem to eject. Or adjust the music and sound volumes.
That sounds like the KS version is what the designers ultimately had in mind. If thats really the case, WC1 needs a difficulty switch badly because currently its just unfair and frustrating.
Although I'd propably give a damn if you could save the game mid-mission.
Actually, the BEST way to play WC is knowing that there are missions deliberately put in there that you CANNOT win!
The "save the ralari" in WC 1 is one, but you can let the ralari blow up and STILL win the game, so what is the point of having that stupid mission in the first place? Why make unwinnable missions at all?
There are no missions in either WC1 or WC2 which are impossible to complete. Even those on losing paths, where you lose the overall campaign, are still possible to 'win' in themselves.
WC3 had a mission which was impossible to win if only because it is the end of the war - and humanity is conquered by the Kilrathi.
Origin made the early WCs the way it did because they 'created worlds'. That was the way the did things and they did it very, very well. I'm not an expert gamer by any means, but even I can see that recent games are much easier than they were in the 1990s.
The Kurasawa Ralari mission in WC1 is not unwinable. You can save the Ralari, and many people have done it. Winning contributes to sending you directly to Venice, losing puts you in Rostov. It's a hard mission, but there are others throughout the series that are harder. Here's a screenshot of the Ralari alive with all the enemies destroyed.
You are, of course, entitled to your opinion.
However, refusing to accept that something is not impossible solely because of your opinion is, well... not very smart. I'll leave it at that.
The save the ralari mission is one that if you play it 1000 times you may get it right ONCE! That is very, very stupid in my opinion.
I am not saying you CANNOT win it, but I did win it once only after DAYS of trying and I KNOW what it takes to win that stupid mission, so please don't try to tell me that mission is not nearly impossible, when I know it is.