Kilrathi saga onto 1 dvdr ????????


Hello all..... I was wondering if any one could help me. I have the Kilrathi saga and I would like to know if there is a way for me to put all the discs onto 1 dvdr disc. I want to keep my original discs in good shape. Mainly I want to do this so I don't Have to disc swap.
Well its easy to make Wc1 and Wc2 including the expansions

Just install them , copy the directories into a DVD from your HD and the "Streams"
directory from your KS CD and put it in both Wc1 and Wc2 directories.

For Wc3 ,you should copy all the .TRE files and put them in the same directory.

If I remember correctlry the MUSIC.tre files are the same for all cds and you must rename them. CD1music.tre etc

After that , edit your Wc3.con file with the correct directories

I think you must also add a blank Wc3music.tre file also in your main wc3 directory

Then just burn them :P

Its a veryyyyyy long time since I was experimenting with all these ,I just told you what I remember more or less from what I did back then to back up my KS
ok Ill try to make it clear :(

Install KSaga in your HD ,Wc1 Wc2 Wc3 and the Secret Missions and Special Missions

as usual from your CDs.

Now ,in the same directory put all the *.TRE files from your Wc3 CDs (Disk 2 3 4 5 from KS) also Copy the entire files from Disk 2 (Wc3Inst etc)
As I said before I dont remember if MUSIC.TRE is the same in every CD, if it is you must rename it like that : CD1MUSIC.TRE CD2MUSIC.TRE etc before you copy them.
Now , copy from your KS cd 1 the "STREAMS" directory from Wc1 and copy it to your Wc1 directory in your HD .Do the same with Wc2.
Create "WC3MUSIC.TRE.txt" file in your HD KS Saga directory and just let it be there.

If there is a WC3MUSIC.TRE delete it .

Now you must edit the WC3.CON file with a text editor ,wordpad whatever and make it look like that

=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\cd1movie.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\movies.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\cd1miss.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\objects.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\missions.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\cd1music.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\gameflow.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\cd2movie.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\movies.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\cd2miss.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\objects.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\missions.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\cd2music.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\gameflow.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\cd3movie.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\movies.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\cd3miss.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\objects.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\missions.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\cd3music.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\gameflow.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\cd4movie.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\movies.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\cd4miss.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\objects.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\missions.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\cd4music.tre
=C:\Program Files\Kilrathi Saga\wc3\gameflow.tre

Where C:\Program Files etc you put your KS Saga Installed Path.

Be sure that all the .tre files listed here are already copied in the same directory ,and that you have renamed the music.tre from each cd.

Now be sure that it plays everything without the KS saga cds.Its probable that the game may ask for a cd when you run Wc1 and Wc2 , dont worry just continue.

Now burn the entire Directory of KS from your HD to a DVD and here you are.
Everytime, you should just copy the Directory from the DVD to your HD (correct path) and you should play KS normally.

I cant make it simplier sorry :p

This is a little clunkier, but copying each of the discs into its own folder on a DVD and then using something like daemon tools to mount each folder as a drive should also work. I seem to recall WC3 understanding how to interpret multiple CD drives. Obviously you could also copy the discs to your hard drive as well - we'd only be looking at about 2.5 gigs of data.
Yes , of course thats another solution ,smarter I would say.:p

Thats what I did back then for Wc3 and Wc4 , I wanted to play from my HD only and it doesnt require installation either , just copy and play the game.

Well how is our friend jimrh69 doing ??
I pulled out my Wing Commander PC to try out a new joystick and I used the Daemon Tools method so that I can keep my original discs in a safe place. It works just fine with WC1 and 2. I haven't tried 3 yet.

I'd recommend the other method though, I didn't know it was possible myself. I remember doing stuff like that for WC2/Privateer on DOS back in the day since I had a MASSIVE 2.5 gig HDD.
I've had a project like this in mind for a while now to burn a WC4 DVD edition disk as a single sided dual layer dvd instead of double sided single layers. I think you'd need to edit the exe tho to disable disc checking. It's something I've been wanting to do for a while but keep forgetting. Another project is to get kilrathi saga wc3 to not show the change discs screen on a dvd copy. Even with the screen it works, but I'd like to skip the checking.