Kilrathi fighter that you'd like to fly most?

I like the Vaktoth. Eight missiles, twin plasma cannons, twin ion cannons, and a tachyon cannon, with decent shielding, speed, and maneuverability. I would say that the Vaktoth is the equal of the Thunderbolt.

I might like the chance to fly the asteroid fighter too--it has surprising speed and maneuverability for something covered in twenty tons of rock--as good as the Vaktoth, with the same shields and more than triple the armor. If you could use normal missiles instead of mines then whoa momma! Sixteen misiles, 250 shields, 500 armor, four Reaper cannons, twin Meson cannons, and speed and maneuverability to match a Vaktoth! Talk about flying destruction, this baby could probably take on a pair of Excaliburs and win if flown by a good pilot. Too bad there weren't any aces who flew these things in WC3.
Originally posted by Wedge009
Not in Claw Marks, AFAIK. Only mentions Dakhath having 55+ kills. The Krant only has a pair of lasers anyway. Not exactly devastating IMHO.

Yup, it's brought up in various conversations:
IIRC: Bhurak: 64 kills
Dakhath:78 kills
Bakhtosh:75 kills
Khajja: 99 kills

Ijuin: Why do you think the Vaktoth is equal to the TBolt?: The Vaktoth has slower ABs, is less maneuverable, has significantly weaker protection and it's guns are all so slightly less potent. It's advantages are 2 more missiles, but not Torpedo and jump capability and that doesn't help you much in a fight, unless you want to escape.
not to change the subject or anything, but Mpanty's image is off of the next level to the last on Doom2 its cool because when you shoot them they make a f***ed up noise just thought i'd bring it up

I only regret that I have but one life to give confed,,Loozer>>Hells Kitchen, Vega Sector
That was an easter egg of the noted video game character Commander Keen. He's also featured in a large number of his own platform shooter-y games.

Originally posted by Wulf
I thought ships from WC3 and on no longer used durasteel, but isometal. I read from a statement of LOAF's iirc that stated isometal being 10 times as effective or something like that.
I'm sure WC3+ refers to armour in durasteel equivalents. Doesn't matter, I understand your point about upgrading the Hhriss, just don't try to be so explicit with the materials used. :)

Originally posted by Skyfire
Hey, I'm not all up on my Kilrathi spelling and grammer.
That's true (grammar, BTW ;)). But it wasn't just you, and I feel there ought to be corrections for WC exclusive words, if not English in general.

Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
It's brought up in various conversations:
IIRC: Bhurak: 64 kills
Dakhath:78 kills
Bakhtosh:75 kills
Khajja: 99 kills
Impressive memory. I thought they were, but there's no way I'm playing through the game again just to find those lines. :)
Originally posted by Wedge009

That's true (grammar, BTW ;)). But it wasn't just you, and I feel there ought to be corrections for WC exclusive words, if not English in general.

Damn it, your just like my high school English teacher! :) *reviews little message for grammAr and spelling errors.*
Accordingly Victory streak he is from Dakota. I remeber somewhere from WC1 that Paladin said when Claw was in Dakota system that colonists are stubborn to ask help or something like that.
Originally posted by Rami Sihvo
Accordingly Victory streak he is from Dakota. I remeber somewhere from WC1 that Paladin said when Claw was in Dakota system that colonists are stubborn to ask help or something like that.

I think Paladin talked about an outbreak of Watson's disease on the colony and that the colonists were too proud to ask for help immediately. Though I don't remember if it was in the Dakota system.
Fargo in the Dakota system, I believe.

Originally posted by Skyfire
...your just like my high school English teacher!
I could say something about that too... but I won't. ;) There are several posters here with atrocious typing anyway...

Originally posted by mpanty
Spanish? Mexican?
Quite possibly.
va·que·ro Pronunciation Key (vä-kâr)
n. Chiefly Texas pl. va·que·ros
See cowboy.

[Spanish, from vaca, cow, from Latin vacca.]
Regional Note: Used chiefly in southwest and central Texas to mean a ranch hand or cowboy, the word vaquero is a direct loan from Spanish; that is, it is spelled and pronounced, even by English speakers, much as it would be in Spanish. In California, however, the same word was Anglicized to buckaroo. Craig M. Carver, author of American Regional Dialects, points out that the two words also reflect cultural differences between cattlemen in Texas and California. The Texas vaquero was typically a bachelor who hired on with different outfits, while the California buckaroo usually stayed on the same ranch where he was born or had grown up and raised his own family there.
*sighs* Yes, I see what your NOT pointing out there, and normally (I think) I write with correct, or at least semi-correct, grammar. There's just something about typing around you...yeah...that's it...
Originally posted by Skyfire
*sighs* Yes, I see what your NOT pointing out there, and normally (I think) I write with correct, or at least semi-correct, grammar. There's just something about typing around you...yeah...that's it...

You're, not your. :)
Oh god, I've got LOAF on me too? :)

But anyways, I've heard you can fly as Kilrathi fighters in Vaktoth in Prophecy, anyone able to tell me how to do so? I'd like to see how I can handle my Kilrathi fighters in a more modern game of it. (Since Armada has been out of date for a while now.)