Kilrathi concept fighter

Agreed, maybe it's just the viewangel but I think the Starboardwing could be reduced by another 10-15%

annyway, it looks great and it's itching my fingers to get it into a styrenesheet Hardware-Model.
Looking interesting and it appears that you are staying pretty faithful to the sketch, as much as you can anyway. Maybe its just me but I never cared for any of these Privateer online concept designs, they all look pretty bad in my opinion and do not at all look like they belong in Wing Commander, though at least the Kilrathi ships tend to look look somewhat Kilrathi in origin.
I'V made a desktop bg screen: I don't think I'll have the time ot work on it for the next month thgouh :(


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"spiffy" Looking up in dictionary. Hmm nope, i didn find it :) Was that a sarcastic sentence, or that meant that you like waht i done?

(edit: i did found it, and it means something like "cool" :) Am I wrong? )
Haha, spiffy is an older english word. It means it looks sharp, well done, looks neat or very nice. Another way of saying it looks swell! ;)