Originally posted by PopsiclePete
Well, I don't like the textures. They are too "tiled", and too dirty compared to WC2 ships. Maybe you should just make them cleaner a bit.
Originally posted by Wedge009
I think the texturing looks a bit too chequered.
True, they look like they have too much contrast, which is weird... they *should* have as much as the Confed textures. It's either a color thing, or I just messed up somewhere along the way. I have to fix that so the textures fit in with the Confed ones.
Originally posted by Wedge009
...those windows at the back don't look right there.
I agree. I'll probably have to swap them for a Snakeir-exclusive texture. (This is the only thing I feel that I really have to change).
Originally posted by Quarto
I like the mouth. Without it, the ship's underbelly is rather boring.
Exactly. I bet that if I removed the shark mouth, some people would show up telling me to put something there because it's too empty. God damned Murphy's law.
Anyway, the mouth stays... I don't see why the Snakeir can't have something we've already seen on the Kamekh, and it also does a good job of filling space that I wouldn't know what else to fill with.
Originally posted by Quarto
But I sure hope those recycled hangar textures are just placeholders.
I just stole them from the Beaufort textures.
I don't really see anything wrong with them, but either way, they shouldn't be hard to change in the future, since like Confed ships, all Kilrathi ships will probably share the same hangar textures.
Originally posted by PopsiclePete
The Kilrathi markings on the top of the ship could use a bit more space, there's a big empty spot there.
Well, there's gotta be an empty spot *somewhere*
Seriously, though - look at the Confed ships... they also make extensive use of "generic" textures. I really don't see much of a point in making half a dozen unique textures for each Kilrathi ship, since the Confed ships look good enough with only three or four unique textures each.
Also, when you look at the WC2 ships, you notice that the ones with markings on the nose (Kamekh, Ralatha) have nothing on top, while the Fralthra has markings on top and nothing on the nose. I mean, it doesn't look like the Kilrathi really wanted to fill all the empty space on their ships with markings, so that's not what I had in mind either.
All in all, I really think this is an almost perfect Standoff version of what a WC2 version of a Snakeir would have looked like.
I'll try to adjust the textures' contrast, and fix the quickly-slapped-together look of the windows on the back of the ship, but that's about it. This is probably the standard that's going to be used for all future Kilrathi capships, though I can't be 100% sure until I try this same style on at least one other ship.
Most people won't have as many complaints about this style once they get used to the idea that I'm not making any radical changes to it anymore.