Just me or the game is really difficult?

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It just takes practice. Last February I replayed WC1 and had a hell of a time shooting anything down. I began wondering how I'd ever been able to do it. After a few days though I was blasting kats like the best of them. Same with Standoff, I had a harder time when I first began playing it. To date it's the only Wing Commander game where an enemy has actually HIT me with a dumbfire missile (and killed me with it since those things will blow a Rapier apart with one hit).

If worst comes to worst, set yourself invulnerable. Just remember to take it off on the next mission or you'll feel pretty ashamed. I left it on once without realizing it and was patting myself on the back for going through a tough mission without a scratch, 'til I realized I'd left invul on. Went back and replayed the whole thing. :p
Well I didn't have any problems with the game, expect the ones I mentioned in the balancing thread.
For me it's the problem with older games that the game doesn't run really "smoothly". I mean there are some bitmaps for the fighter, no 3d models. and there is no Z-axis etc.
ok back in the good old days origin wasn't able to make games like they are today thats clear...but as I said, with prophecy and standoff I don't have really problems in dogfights etc.
Falcon988 said:
To date it's the only Wing Commander game where an enemy has actually HIT me with a dumbfire missile (and killed me with it since those things will blow a Rapier apart with one hit).

I'll agree with that...in the gauntlet I get nailed more often than not by DFs than anything else...especially in the confed side...they seem to be more missile prone...
Dundradal said:
I'll agree with that...in the gauntlet I get nailed more often than not by DFs than anything else...especially in the confed side...they seem to be more missile prone...
I usually just turn all the time to keep that from happening. Even then, a lucky one happens every once in a while.
Salthis and Krants are unusually good with them especially...in the Confed gauntlet I feel like I spend a good amount of time dodging and weaving incoming missiles...
Dundradal said:
Salthis and Krants are unusually good with them especially...in the Confed gauntlet I feel like I spend a good amount of time dodging and weaving incoming missiles...

Yep, it was a Krant that got me last time I played. It was about a month ago but I haven't forgotten it. Came out of a turn, went to fire at the Krant, and it turned to face me and I saw some white puff and gunfire. And I was thinking "What is tha..." and then I was hit by the DF and exploded.

The other time it was actually a Dralthi and I was completely aware of what it was shooting at me, but it was fired from very short range and I had no time to evade. That was a pretty great example of pilot AI. To this day after 10 years of Wing Commander I have a hard time hitting anything with a dumbfire. And that AI kitty just pulverized me with one.

You Standoff guys had better be proud.
Hitting with a dumbfire ought to have about the same chance as hitting with a gunshot--if you can be sure that a gunshot will strike the target, then a dumbfire would, too.
Ijuin said:
Hitting with a dumbfire ought to have about the same chance as hitting with a gunshot--if you can be sure that a gunshot will strike the target, then a dumbfire would, too.
It's also alot easier if the DF hardpoint is near to the middle of your ship, this helps to keep it from missing at closer ranges.
I find myself shooting those dumbfires out of the air as they come. But the best thing to do on the first run towards the ship to make sure you aren't dumbfire'd to death would be to just AB slide while rolling like a madman.

What are you doing blowing up headon :p playing chicken with a Jalthi? :p