I've personally never understood anyone's problems with Berman or Braga. They were around during some of the best moments of TNG and DS9. To shake your fist at them because you hated a couple of things while they were doing dozens of great things is stupid.
On one hand, it's their specific job to take the blame for anything anyone wants to complain about... unfortunately, they happened to hold that job in this odd era, where the stinking masses of internet cretins can exist with absolute power and no responsibility in critical terms.
I don't think Star Trek V was all that great, given the lopsided direction of Shatner. While I do agree that Star Trek has a set standard in terms of formula, I do think that the director really sets the tone in terms of movie quality. I personally love Generations as a guilty pleasure movie - but it looks like a really expensive TNG episode or just a cheap film with beautiful lighting.
I don't really blame Shatner's direction for Star Trek V. I think the big problems with Star Trek 5 are, again, the writing... but even moreso in this case, Star Trek IV hanging over the production. Star Trek IV was an amazing crossover success because of was a silly comedy (in some European countries were Star Trek wasn't popular they didn't even put Star Trek in the title!)... so Star Trek V was staring down the barrel of the gun of having to somehow keep that audience with more humor but also not to offend Star Trek fans. So you have it written as this bizarre mix of one man's quest for God while Spock is flying around in rocket boots and the Klingons are throwing surprise parties. Most of the things Star Trek V does horribly wrong are because it was written to tow this line -- Spock flying around in rocket boots, the bridge crew singing campfire songs, a big Klingon party at the end... nothing to do with where Kirk pointed his camera.
I've not bothered to listen to the director commentaries because they tend to be incredibly boring to me unless its a very unusual movie (The Limey) or the director is a really interesting personality (Conan The Barbarian)
The Nemesis one is enjoyable because the guy is absolutely clueless and absolutely in love with Tom Hardy. It's the source of a great many jokes between my brother and I.
"Now, I think Tom is really the star of this picture... I mean, Patrick was great and all, but even he would agree, I think, that Tom Hardy made this movie... he's just magnificant..." over and over -- and what does the guy even do in the darned film? Make a few menacing comments about threatening to drink Captain Picard's blood?
Though I have strong dislike of the Borg episodes of Voyager, I do blame the look and feel on First Contact which was a strangely boring movie. TNG was my favorite of the five ST series because I grew up with it but the movies were almost completely shallow and worth little more than seeing half-ass director Bryan Singer getting sucked out the viewscreen. (That'll teach him to make crappy superhero movies!)
The uniforms thing is telling, I think. You watched DS9 and TNG and you immediately knew (if you weren't an internet submoron) that the uniforms were different because they needed to keep the shows visually distinct... and you kind of rationalized in your mind that it was because the full-color uniforms were for starship crews and the mostly-black ones were for space station crews. And then bammo, Generations suddenly has everyone in the black DS9-style uniforms... and you just know immediately it's because they want to save money and only make new oufits they can wear on the ongoing show. Same thing with First Contacct -- the new blue uniforms were great, a nice change just like the original movies... but the *next week* they were on DS9, and the new signature space suit props were suddenly on Voyager over and over. There was this obvious, subconscious connection to the weekly series' that it made, which came off as very very cheap -- instead of being a special every-few-years-event, TNG movies were an extra two hours of Star Trek that you paid more to see.