That would make an interesting would the Cats deal with a rogue clan? The probable answer is "by wiping it out", of course; I'll have to revisit what I know about feudal Japan to see if there's anything else that could be done with this notion.
There's also something that could be done with the Kilrathi equivalent of a ronin - how would a warrior deal with the loss of his clan, or his explusion from the clan? Zuk'hara's what you see in the books (when Hunter dies in particular), but what if a Cat decided not to take that route?
There's also something that could be done with the Kilrathi equivalent of a ronin - how would a warrior deal with the loss of his clan, or his explusion from the clan? Zuk'hara's what you see in the books (when Hunter dies in particular), but what if a Cat decided not to take that route?