Isn't it scam when GOG takes money for WCP, which does not run on Win11, while they claim it does ?


So we have 2024, and it seems there is still not a way to run WCP on Windows 11.
Tried every patch and trick that can be found online

But on GOG shop it says Win11 is supported, that was the reason why i payed for that classic. (WC1-4 worked after a few tweaks)
Btw i have to tweak 60% of the games from GOG to get in run always.
Imo its very shady to take money for old games, and they obvious dont care or really test if they work on modern systems. but that is another topic on its own.

so i guess there is still no way to run it on win11/64bit ? i heard that deactivating CPU core could help ?

It *was* working for me so clearly either a GoG or windows update has done something.

I'm seeing very weird things, I was using the model upgrade pack with the OpenGL renderer:

But when I came back to it it was forcing 3DFX and closing immediately. Oddly if I opened up a second instance it worked

Also the DVD patch which I'd set up last time now has no audio. Fun times. Sure wish HCl had provided the source for that one.
Hi. What do u mean with a second instance?
So u managed it to run ?

I will try to deadtivate the other CPU Cores in bios and hope this will work
Yeah. It totally does not work in Win11 for me. I got it to work in a WinXP VM with the OpenGL patch. I have to use the original movies. It crashes when I use the VODs. I am going to try the mpegs tomorrow.

Good to see other people having problems with this.
it runs on Win11 .. But every PC is different .. maybe i have just luck .. but this is in any case a must !!!
The best patch for WC Prophecy ever ..
but maybe you need the Original Launcher.exe .. to switch the Video Api - openGL or Glide ..D3D .. this file is missing at the GOG Edition
Yeah. I will have to try the test mup version on Win11. I don't think I tried that version.