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Originally posted by $tormin
I think a kitty needs to see the VET to get FIXED
You make me think someone already has...

(Three cheers for the best damned adventure game series ever!)
The only good Kilrathi is a dead kilrathi

The average life exspectency of a Kilrathi is about 60 earth years but when they get into a cockpit it goes to 5 days.

Hey kitties even autoploit kicks your ass. (the expanation for this one is from WC2)

We would use your claws to cut our food but there to blunt.

PS which adventure game??
Originally posted by mpanty
Monkey Island?

I knew $tormin was taking the insults from there...
Indeed, Monkey Island. But 'twas I that took an insult from Monkey Island, not $tormin. Had he taken his insults from there, then they wouldn't be so lame, now would they? :)
I told you people you could have *one* thread for stupid slapfights... it's *this* one, not all the others. :)
They'd all become stupid joke conversations between two people <G> You can use AIM for that sort of thing...
Aren't Leviathan fictitious sea monsters? Oh, you mean the Nephilim carrier. Yes, it does look like one, doesn't it?
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
"How amusing, an ape actually shooting at me."

First time out kitty. So sorry to end another unromissing kitty. Mice fight beter than you kitty.

Yeah Monkey Island


And whoa tree stump gag!!!
I will not be able to participate in this battle for the next couple of days as my skills are needed elsewhere. I fear that this thread may be ended till I return.
For that case I declare $tormin the winner of this honourable contest as he truly has impressive skill to insult. :)
The other weak attempts by those pitiful humans, mainly mpanty and Zor prime, showed that they are no match for the Kilrathi at all. :p

So, I have to leave now. $tormin once again: Congratulations on battle well fought. You are one of the few honourable representative of your species.

"Monkeyboy, you make me laugh."
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