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My fangs are sharp, human. It was only hypothetoical. No human ever caused trouble in a hunt.All they did was screaming, cowering and dying.

Oh, and to all the Monkey insulters: YOu could use the insults from MI 3, I heard the duelling had a re-appearance there.
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
No human ever caused trouble in a hunt.All they did was screaming, cowering and dying.

Yeah, caused YOU to scream, cower, and die. :) Never before have I met someone so sissified.

Oh yeah: all the insults I'm using are from Monkey3, 'cause I never played the first two...oops, there goes my secret. :)
Originally posted by mpanty You're the ugliest monster ever created.

If you don't count all the ones you've dated. :D Heh, I love that one...

And I already issued my challenge, it! I have never lost a melee, and my attacks have left entire worlds depopulated. ;)
Those apes feared for their miserable lives.

And mpanty, you are definately more of a spoilsport than the Kilrathi are short.
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
So at least I can be sure that $tormin still battles the original battle. My favourite adversary at least...

Terran, I could beat you to crap even with my claws retracted and my fangs blunted.

your fangs were blunted long ago by your fearful teeth chattering.
and your momma took your claws away so you wouldn't hurt yourslef
Originally posted by Bob McDob
If you don't count all the ones you've dated. Heh, I love that one...
It's one of the best... :D

I have never lost a melee
You would have, but you were always running away!
(...) and my attacks have left entire worlds depopulated.
With your smell, I'm sure they all suffocated! :)

I'll leave your ship devastated, mutilated and perforated.
More Stupid Cat Jokes

Why do Kilrathi burn?
Because they're made of wood. :)

Originally posted by mpanty I'll leave your ship devastated, mutilated and perforated.

Waah! I wanted to use that! :)

WELL, your odor alone leaves me aggravated, irritated, infuriated. :)
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
Those apes feared for their miserable lives.
Yeah, but it was less because of than those beehives... :p

And mpanty, you are definately more of a spoilsport than the Kilrathi are short.
I am nothing of the sort! Wanna see me blow up that Kilrathi transport? :D
Be assured, $tormin, my claws and fangs are sharp as always. Though much less is needed to defeat an ape. They are so easily scared...
just a quick check to see whos side your on.
$tormin=confed (the smart ones)
Mekkit=Kilrathi (the nose hair eating, carrion sniffing, dishonerable ones)
Originally posted by Bob McDob

WELL, your odor alone leaves me aggravated, irritated, infuriated.
You fight like a cow! Ehm no, wait... :)

Today by myself twelve people I've beaten! :D
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
Though much less is needed to defeat an ape. They are so easily scared...
It's because of your ugly face! LOAF is lucky to have his eyesight impaired...

(sorry LOAF, I needed a rhyme... ;) )

[Edited by mpanty on 04-15-2001 at 18:39]
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
No, it's because the humans know deep inside themselves that they are just vermins at the mercy of the Kilrathi.
Wow... scattered in a million pieces, you do not look so mighty... :p
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
I bet one Kilrathi atom looks more impressive than one Human atom.
Hum... you've skipped some chemistry lessons, didn't you? ;) The Terrans and the Kilrathi, being ORGANIC species, are composed of the same atoms...

Anyway, I'll respond to your insult anyways :) :
In comparison to Human, Kilrathi atoms are phantom...
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