Installing speech pack


OK, I'm a newbie here so if this has been answered a million times, be kind. I downloaded the speech pak file (this is for linux). Tried running the script but it says I first have to have privateer remake installed. Well, it is installed and I've been playing it.

So, what's the trick? Do I have to copy the file to certain directory or is there some switch I need? I couldn't find any directions to install it on the site here. Am I looking in the wrong place?

Thanks for any help

make sure you install it as the same user

at worst you could do a bait and switch...when it gives you the dialog it should have unpacked the files to /tmp at which point you can move them to the appropriate directories in the privateer remake tree ;-)

Yep, that did it. Could have swore I installed it in that account.

Thanks, that was easy.
