Info needed. VERY important

I have a model of the Hakaga (however you spell it) kilrathi carrier, and i need to know what stats it has. Yes, it is the one from the novels. Here is what i need to know:

¤Gun/Turret positions

I think thats about it, if theres anything else you think i may need, please tell me?

Pics of the model are available at the site
( )
and the fan projects part of the CIC under "Wing Commander Fleet Action"

Thank you people.
All we know is what's mentioned in FA... which is...

¤ Length = 1,580 meters
¤ Weight = 500,000 tonnes
¤ Speed
¤ Armour = ~1500 centimeters
¤ Shield = WC2 style phase shields
¤ Fighters = 288 fighters
¤ Weapons-
Mass Driver Quad Batteries (32)
Neutron Batteries (16)
Laser Batteries (16)
Gatling Anti-Torpedo Launch Tubes (6)
¤ Gun/Turret positions
¤ Y/P/R
¤ Acceleration
Yes, i am.

but if theres a different carrier on par with the claw, id like to know.

the info that you have provided, can you please give me a guess on the rest of the stats? besides, how thick are the WC2 phase shields?

and the weapons, which are dual, single, quad, etc? and what are the stats of the Gatling Anti-Torpedo Launch Tubes?

thanks people.
Yeah, the standard Kilrathi carrier seems to be the Snakeir...

the info that you have provided, can you please give me a guess on the rest of the stats? besides, how thick are the WC2 phase shields?

If I had to make something up, I'd say 500 centimeters.

and the weapons, which are dual, single, quad, etc? and what are the stats of the Gatling Anti-Torpedo Launch Tubes?

Well... the ones that are marked 'quad'... are quad... the ones that aren't... aren't. :)

The anti-torpedo launch tubes shoot lots of little mass driver style rounds into space to destroy torpedoes before they hit a ship.
thanks mate.

so, the ones not labeled dual or quad are single, right?

what are the gun positions on the Hak? or isnt there any info on that?

and is there anywhere where i can get a 3d model of the snakier class carrier?

thanks once again, sorry for asking these newbie questions.
Originally posted by Newcommanderondablock
but if theres a different carrier on par with the claw, id like to know.

I would assume it is...hell, at first glance she looks similar to the Bengals... <G>

BTW, what are you using for Terran/Kilrathi HCs? Dreadnoughts? Connies? Behemoths? :D
theres more than 1 snakier? god, where have i been?

the motherships are : Connie and WC3 Dreadnaught.
is there something more on par with the Connie in any WC from WC1,2,3 and privateer?

thanks again
There seemd like a ton of Snakiers during the secret missions. Just kept blowing up one after the other.
There seemd like a ton of Snakiers during the secret missions. Just kept blowing up one after the other.

There were five in SM2, IIRC.

theres more than 1 snakier? god, where have i been?

There are two varieties of Snakeir... it's the standard Kilrathi carrier from Secret Missions 2, and it's
the "super dreadnought" from the movie. In either case, there were multiple Snakeir...

so, the ones not labeled dual or quad are single, right?


what are the gun positions on the Hak? or isnt there any info on that?

No, there's not.

and is there anywhere where i can get a 3d model of the snakier class carrier?

No, WC1 didn't have 3D models.
Originally posted by Newcommanderondablock
theres more than 1 snakier? god, where have i been?

the motherships are : Connie and WC3 Dreadnaught.
is there something more on par with the Connie in any WC from WC1,2,3 and privateer?

thanks again

I'd say the Bhantkara Class Carrier is pretty on par with the Concordia. I'd have to do some research to see if we know of the fighter compliment... But stats wise they're about the same length and mass and have the same max velocity. The armor on the Bhantkara is twice as thick as the Concordia, however, due to the advances in armor between WC2 and 3. This is, of course, assuming you're speaking of the Confederation Class Dreadnaught rather than the Concordia Class Carrier...
Well, the Karga from FC is a Bhantkara, right? Then I think the fighter complement is 96, LOAF mentioned that some time ago IIRC.
Well, 96 fighters plus about 30 shuttle/support craft so the total complement would be pretty close to the Concordia's. I wonder how many anti-ship weapons these carriers have. It must be a reasonable number seeing that the Karga was able to take down two Confed cruisers in FC.

Best, Raptor
LOAF, yes, i know WC1 didnt have models, im talking about fan-made models. ill see if any other MODs have the snakier in them.

When i say snakier, im thinking of the WC1 variant, not the movie (movie isnt included into the MOD).

The mothership (confed) is the TCS Concordia, the confederation class variant. The carrier is the TCS Tiger's Claw and the support frigate (sort of like a mini-carrier, but fighters dont disappear when landing) is the TCS Victory.

If you would like, i will post the shiplist here and you all can suggest better ships. The ones that are done will not be changed.

If the Hak can take down 2 confed cruisers, i think it would be a way more powerfull than the Claw......

anyway, if you see something wrong with what ive done in the mod, tell me. i want it to be as accurate as possible.

Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
Well, the Karga from FC is a Bhantkara, right? Then I think the fighter complement is 96, LOAF mentioned that some time ago IIRC.

I thought it was a Hakaga? :confused:

And once again, how are you doing the capships? I mean, using your current motherships, you'd still need carriers (TC and Snakier, IMHO), destroyers (more on par with WC cruisers...), missile destroyers (just HOW are you going to pull this one off?) and frigates (destroyers? Superheavy corvettes)
Somewhere in the novel they tell you the length of the Karga, 920m and the that it has 8 laser turrets - just like the Bhantkara class from WC3. I think there are other hints but I can't remember them.
The ships as planed are:

Mothership: TCS Concordia/WC3 Deadnaught
Carrier: Claw/Hakaga(probabbly will change)

Heavy cruiser: Tallahassee/Fralthi II
Destroyer: Paradigm/WC3 Heavy Destroyer
Missile Destroyer (will not have missiles) :Waterloo/Fralthra

Ion Cannon Frigate: Gilgamesh/Ralatha
Drone Frigate : ????????
Defensive Frigate : ????????
Support Frigate: TCS Victory/Fralthi
Assult Frigate: Exeter/Ralari

Salvage Corvette: WC3 Shuttle/WC4 cat shuttle
Multigun Corvette: Broadsword/Sorthak
Heavy Corvette: Thunderbolt 7/Paktahn
Light Corvette: Excalibur/Vaktoth
Support Corvette: Venture/Kamekh Corvette (WC2)
Minelayer Corvette: Longbow/Rock Fighter (k'ha'haf)

Attack Bomber: Sabre/Gothri
Cloak Fighter: Dragon (not buildable)/Strakha
Defense Fighter: ????????
Defender: Rapier I/Krant or Gratha
Interceptor: Hellcat 5/Dralthi 4
Scout: Arrow/Darket

Resource Collector: Drayman/Dorkir
Resource Controller: Clydesdale/Dorkathi

Probe: ????????
Proximity Sensor: Hornet/Dralthi I
Sensor Array: Bonnie Heather/????????
Reserch Ship: ????????
Cloak Generator: probabbly the rock bases from WC3, confed and kilrathi.
Gravity Well Generator: ????????

Light Defender: ????????/Bloodfang II (both are unbuildable)

any suggestions on the list?
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
If I had to make something up, I'd say 500 centimeters.
Judging from HCl's WC2 Ship Editor, internally, WC2 seems to treat anything with shields of 1000 and above as having phase shields. Not sure what the units are, though...

Originally posted by Newcommanderondablock
Mothership: TCS Concordia/WC3 Dreadnaught
Research Ship: ????????
That's quite a size difference between motherships. Although, the size of the actual models will probably take care of that. I haven't read through the whole list, but how about the Peleus jamming ship from WC4?