Importing 3d models/Perfect Plan status

I just tested the following code to play comms, and it worked just fine in 1.6

  Comm_playVideo("bug1_dead.wav", "bug.avi", "oogagooga", 0)
  Comm_playVideo("bug1_dead.wav", "bug.avi", "oogagooga", 0, "I go into the blackness")

I'm not sure what to suggest, except releasing the whole perfect plan to me and letting me try to reproduce it.
Found it! Legacy settings in settings.xml cause the game to crash. What a mission it was to find that.

EDIT: Ok, it seems that the crash happens when the cockpit is turned off. Still figuring it out through trial and error though.

EDIT 2: Ha ha! I managed to get vanilla to crash by turning the cockpit off. Seems the bug that was fixed in 1.5.1 is back.

I suppose you mean there's a problem when "Cockpit Details" are off AND when subtitles are turned on?

EDIT 3: It seems that the modified Comm_playVideo for some reason doesn't show the subtitles when the hud is turned off which is why it doesn't crash the game.
I've decided that I'm going to do character interaction in a similar way as Prophecy GBA.


Unfortunately I've still got the same old gameflow backgrounds, that's something I'm going to have to work on.
Ooh, that is cool. Is it going to be a gameflow movie? Movies are best done at a specific size, so make sure they look ok in game.
Well, I didn't really get too far. :D

<!-- Chat Room -->
<room background="bar.png">
	<hotspot mouseovertext="" sound="">
		<animation filebase="APP_Admiral_" numframes="1" fps="1" x="0" y="0"/>
	<hotspot mouseovertext="" sound="">
		<animation filebase="APP_AdmiralAvatar_" numframes="1" fps="1" x="0" 

	<hotspot mouseovertext="" sound="">
		<animation filebase="APP_Chatbox_" numframes="1" fps="1" x="0" y="0"/>

In gameflow.xml gives me:


I was hoping to be able to use global variables to be able to hide and show images, but it seems nothing like that can be done. I see three options, but they are all dirty and I don't like 'em.

1. Create a room for every piece of dialog. What I'm leaning towards, though it will be annoying.

2. Have the conversation as an animation.
<animation filebase="talking_with_this_guy_" numframes="30" fps="0.05" x="0" y="0"/>

3. Have the conversation in a video.

Another thing I'm thinking about is how to do the text. Right now the only option I see is having all the dialog in bitmaps. Also, is there a way to move around the images? I can only see a way to move and resize buttons.