I'm building something cool.....


i'm in a pottery class at school, and i decided to try something hard.....I'm building a Black Lance Dragon.....well i'm sculpting it. I'm gonna take a few pics of it when it's done. I just thought someone would take interest....i think it's gonna turn out fine.
[Insert Lance/Dragon argument:)]

Seriously, that's pretty cool. Can't wait to see the pictures!

I did very, very badly in pottery class back in high school... but I did make a neat pottery squid!
well my 1st idea was to make a beavis/budda like thing, but my teacher didn't like the idea of it, so i took the alternative
Cant wait to see it. I tried the behemoth but my teacher fired it for too long and it shattered.
Art Class

I made dragon water bong once. You filled the belly with water put the stuff in its mouth and drew the smoke through the tail. I got it all the way glazed and fired before the teacher figured it out. She confiscated it before I could take it home. My guess is she still using that sonofabitch!
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF I did very, very badly in pottery class back in high school... but I did make a neat pottery squid!
I made wacky Satanic-lookin' stuff that scared people.

But seriously, that sounds pretty neat, provided it turns out cool.
Can't wait to see it ! The best I did in pottery was the traditional crappy ash tray along with a pyramid that collapsed when fired.
Whenever somebody mentions squid, I think of Cthulhu...in fact, I thought Frosty was saying LOAF's squid was Satanic...no offence. :)
the only thing i could ever make in pottery class was this close to perfect sphere, unfortunatly, when i tried to fire it, it kept rolling off the damned fire, my teacher got so pissed that she told me to "do something worth my talent" i did, i made the next best thing, a cuboid, it got me a 81/100 iflung it out the next day and it shattered, too long in the fire i guess
Is pottery some kind of required course in the states or something? In Art class? Never had to do pottery here in canada, but then again I only took art the once in grade eight for the three months required of the curriculum.

it's not really required, but if ur a senior, trying to kill time, like me. It's the best thing next to sliced bread, i see no sence in driving 1/2 an hour to get to school and leave after 2 hours.....i hit my grad requirement at the end of my junior year, now i;m just filling in extra useless credits with drama, pottery, web design, and study hall :)
excalbur of cardboard

Well, I never did any pottery or so. But I did start building an Excalibur fighter out of cardboard.
If you're interested check out: http:\\home.kabelfoon.nl\~kluver\wc.htm
Originally posted by Gosmack
it's not really required, but if ur a senior, trying to kill time, like me. It's the best thing next to sliced bread, i see no sence in driving 1/2 an hour to get to school and leave after 2 hours.....i hit my grad requirement at the end of my junior year, now i;m just filling in extra useless credits with drama, pottery, web design, and study hall

I'd also suggest taking a proper English course, to update you on the mandate of punctuation.