I hate these goddamned things...


212 Squadron - "The Old Man's Eyes And Ears"
...they're a nusance but I got myself a cellphone, a Motorola V180. I wanted to see if there was anyway to make my own Wing Commander wallpaper for it - perferably just the ConFed logo against a "winking" starfield but since beggars and wishers can't be choosers or winners - Ill take whatever anyone can help me with.
Okay, seriously now...

First you need to create your animated background - I've used Coffee Cup Gif Animator before, and understood it even without an engineering degree.

Then you need to find a way to upload to your phone. If you can connect it to a PC it shouldn't be much trouble, although I don't know the software that nowadays comes with Motorola bricks..
If the phone mgmt software doesn't allow wallpaper/screensaver uploads from a PC (ripoffs!), you can create a free wap site on www.tagtag.com and upload your creation up there, then download & install it with your phone.

And I'll keep my fingers crossed...
Thanks for the links.

My university has a major contract with Nextel but we don't get good reception outside of the campus.
That is an issue. I live in Rocky Hill (CT) and get great service on one half of town but the other is completly radio wave free it seems, no matter the carrier. Then when I'm at work in Waterbury, it works great but some of the other towns are terrible.

However the PTT feature is great for me and most others in Public Safety
Oooh, burn!
Gadgets are crap. Concentrate on these things: Quality of customer service, quality of phone, and TOWERS.Your phone could give you a backrub and tell you how special you are, but if you can't call your wife, what's the damn point?
I suppose that's one thing to note about phones these days... the cheaper they are, the more expensive they are to customize. I paid a hefty sum for my phone, but it lets me use any sound as a ring tone (MIDI, MP3, WAV, AIFF, etc), and any bitmap as a background (though, if you customize it for the screen's resolution (with a downloadable app that's free), it looks better). Heck, it even comes with a PC link cable (not that great - the sync software sucks).

Heck, it's fun browsing full web sites on it - bit slow at rendering pages, but it works just as well as a desktop browser (because its rendering engine is more or less a full desktop browser).

Of course, if your phone supports bluetooth, you can always try to send it to the phone via bluetooth.
Good decision, Shipgate. I have a cellphone with wireless web, full text messaging, and like 300 minutes a month. Know how much time I used last month? 5 minutes! The month before that? 8 minutes! The Month before that? No minutes! It's a waste of my money but I can't quite bring myself to cancel the service because I may need it someday.
Maj.Striker said:
Good decision, Shipgate. I have a cellphone with wireless web, full text messaging, and like 300 minutes a month. Know how much time I used last month? 5 minutes! The month before that? 8 minutes! The Month before that? No minutes! It's a waste of my money but I can't quite bring myself to cancel the service because I may need it someday.

Do you guys have the 'pay-as-you-go' method of owning a mobile phone? (read cell-phone).

That's what we can do over here in the UK.

Calls are charged at something stupid like 45p a minute - but you only pay for the time you use it. So if you only use 8 minutes, then its only cost you £3.60 over the usual (approx) £12 a month that phone contracts normally run over here.

Its that kind of payment concept that lead to every man, woman and child owning a mobile phone in the UK (especially in schools - you ain't seen nothing until you see a group of 5 year olds talking about their latest phone! - back in my day, we'd got excited because we had a new pencil case!)

Sorry if I sound a bit ignorant - I am a bit, about anything outside of England! :)
The closest thing here are prepaid cards. You buy a time card worth $20 or $30 and it doesn't expire for like 3 months. The hourly rates are pretty bad and they come with crappy phones, so I tend to not recommend them.
I don't know about you, but my cell phone plan gives me 200 minutes, but unlimited data. I hardly use voice (only about 30 minutes a month), but I do use a lot of data. Plus, in case my Internet link goes down, it's a good substitute.

(Plus, it's always nice to just surf the web on the commute home...).
I "upgraded" to a new Samsung/Verizon phone 2 days ago. It is a digital/analog unit and it gets reception at my house out in the sticks whereas my nearly dead 6 year old analog phone would not. For $40 a month (the cheapest plan they offered) you get 400 minutes and free long distance on the weekends. I'm still a little struck by all of the things the new phones will do, and I didn't get an expensive one.
Thanks for all the tips guys. I signed up for AT&T/Cingular yesterday and got myself a nice Motorola v220. Using Zedge, I now have the WC1 launch theme (and the Thunderdome Fanfare from the Mad Max movies) as my ringtones and the obligatory Millennium reference as wallpaper - though mine is a much clearer screencapture.
I really can see what's the use of multi format ringtones and wall papers and this stuff. I care for things like How much? how many minutes? where does it work? how long does the battery holds? how easy it is to send sms? how resilient is the device?

so I have a Nokia 3310 and I'm pretty happy with it. I actually find modern ring tones a liability, the classic non-midi etc ones are louder, and less corny.