I Did It! Privateer 1 runs in WinMe!


It is possible to patch WinMe to insert a Dos Mode.
Try visiting http://www.angelfire.com/yt/privater/windows.html
There is a little link at the beginning for WinMe Users where you can download a patch for WinMe to support a Dos-Mode. It took me a little bit long but now i can start my Computer with a startmenu where i can select WinMe OR Dos.

But i still have a problem.
Everytime i try to use emm386.exe in config.sys my system crashes. So its not possible to use EMS memory. And therefore i cant initialize my Dos-Driver for the SoundBlaster Live.
Ok i can play Privateer, but without music, sound or joystick. I already tried to get QEMM somewhere on the net to use this for EMS, but i couldn´t find anything. Could anyone send me this?

Please HELP!!!!
I haven't hear of any one getting P1 to work on a WinME without a "Win9x or WinMe Startup Disk". As you know SBLive needs EMM386.EXE to run SB16 emulation. Also, P1 require's a memory manager like EMM386 or QEMM to run correctly. If you were to actually play P1 you will start to have problems.

Make a "WinMe Startup Disk" (Win9x is prefer) this should give you the proper files. Run both EMM386.EXE and HIMEM.SYS from the A: drive. You should also add "A:\" to the SET PATH line. Everything else is the same as before.

I check this site out and he does not give detail instructions on how to do the things he claim he can do. This brings me to believe he hasn't actually done it himself.

I would never claim I can did something unless I tested it completely. And I would have provided detail instructions.

[Edited by Johnl12 on 07-24-2001 at 07:01]
Originally posted by Johnl12
I haven't hear of any one getting P1 to work on a WinME without a "Win9x or WinMe Startup Disk".
[Edited by Johnl12 on 07-24-2001 at 07:01]

You do realise that what he's done is pretty much running a pure dos environment, just as one would with a boot disk... There's no reason it wouldn't work this way just as it would with a boot disk (unless there are problems freeing up memory).

I already tried

I already tried starting with a Bootdisk. This makes the same problem like booting from Harddisk. Everytime i use emm386.exe in config.sys my system crashes. and dont tell me how to enter lines in config.sys. I do this since my 386DX2. So i really know what im doing. All i want is QEMM because i want to try if this also crashes my system like emm386.
I dont know why this doesnt work. My System is:
AMD Athlon 600
128 MD SD-RAM 133MHz
SoundBlaster Live Player 1024
Hercules 3D Prophet 2, NVidia GeForce 2 GTS
Windows Me 4.90.3000 german