How would you rob a bank?


Rear Admiral
No need to go into detail about it. I'm just curious if you would use a gun, bomb, threat of some viral powder, or just be such a smooth talker you don't have to use anything.

I'd probably use a shotgun. And I'd wear a shirt that says, "Foreign Leadership Camp '94." That would add to the terror and confusion. Is it wrong to post a thread such as this?
The most efficient (and scary) method used in Brazil is to kidnap the bank manager and his family during the night, take him to the bank in early morning while holding his family hostage and make him open the safe. That way the thieves leave with the money way before the bank opens.

I guess if you do that in the USA they give you a life sentence. In Brazil the well organized crooks usually don´t get caught.
Shipgate said:
I'm just curious if you would use a gun, bomb, threat of some viral powder, or just be such a smooth talker you don't have to use anything...

How about hacking it? Nobody gets scared or killed, you can tranfer millions in seconds and if you're in a poor country you can always bribe the police. So you won't get caugh and deported. ;)
Anyway, robbing a bank is a bad idea. You'll either end up dead or playing "let's drop the soap" for 20 years.
*going in with an orginal lightsaber dressed up like Col. Blair*

ohh... huh....? must'ta nodded off at the keys, sorry :p
fly in with an excal and a marine shuttle. blow the side of the bank. get the marines to take the money while your provide air support. then boogey your butt back to the border worlds :p :D
The only place with enough money to pay for the marines, the shuttle and the Excal would be fort knox.
TurboTim07 said:
fly in with an excal and a marine shuttle. blow the side of the bank. get the marines to take the money while your provide air support. then boogey your butt back to the border worlds :p :D

how would you blow just the side of the bank with an Excal?
Well, do people even use paper money on WC? By the 2650's the currency is probably just eletronic/virtual.
Delance said:
Well, do people even use paper money on WC? By the 2650's the currency is probably just eletronic/virtual.
Suppose you have a bank account in, say, New Detroit. You can pay for everything there with your credit card. Now, for some reason, you travel to Caernarvon Station in the Gwynedd System, Enigma sector. Your bank account is several days away - not just for travel, but for any sort of communication (the WC4 novel indicates the time lag in communication is considerable). This, multiplied by two, is the amount if time it takes for any credit card purchase to be cleared. This may well be acceptable if you're making a big purchase, like a new Centurion or something. However, waiting a week when all you wanted was a Lynch Cola would be a bit excessive. So, paper or metal money is still needed because it's portable.

Also, hard currency would presumably be needed for the kind of transactions that the Retros conducted with Governor Menesch and the Kilrathi... since terrorist organisations usually have a hard time keeping an open bank account ;). Indeed, I'd guess that almost any transaction you make at a pirate base in Privateer is in hard currency.

And finally, inflation - if your money is purely electronic, it's even worse than paper money. With paper money, at least everyone knows when the government issues more. With purely electronic money, on the other hand, you can never know how much money there is currently being circulated, and you therefore don't know its value. Indeed, what's to stop a corrupt bank official in the middle of nowhere from adding a few million electronic credits to the accounts of their customers? Sure, In-Sys would quickly catch on and shut them down, but by that time, the damage will have been done. All this would result in sky-high inflation. A million credits might be enough for three Centurions one day, and not enough for a Lynch Cola the next.
Anxiety said:
how would you blow just the side of the bank with an Excal?

well.... you could blast it with your guns.... or i guess you could get the marines to plant a bomb.... but where's the fun in that? :D
In Action Stations, it is established that metallic coins are still circulating heavily--for example, Vance Richards bribes a guy at the trading station near the black hole with a platinum 500 Credit coin, which Tolwyn notes is worth a month of his salary as a new Academy graduate.
There's some credits floating around Bla^^^Armstrong's medal box in Super Wing Commander (along with a space-condom).