There's some material on the AI in the book
Wing Commander I and II: The Ultimate Strategy Guide. Pix, of Pix's Origin Adventures, put a scan of it on his
Downloads page, although you'll have to hunt around a bit to find it.
It doesn't discuss the wingman AI, although they would use the same system as the Kilrathi. The first part of AI description is written as in-universe lore, on print pages 32-42 (PDF pages 50-60).
The back of the book has a section on making the games. Siobhan Beeman and Ken Demarest talk about the WC1 AI on print pages 248-249 (PDF pages 272-273) and the WC2 changes on 263-264 (PDF pages 287-288).
It remains pretty basic, especially in WC1. Ships have a designated enemy they pay attention to, and either try to shoot or evade that one enemy. They'll ignore everything else, unless events (like insults) make them change target. This is why it's easy for your wingman and a Kilrathi to get into a head-on jousting match with each other - yet it's also about the only time your wingman will manage to hit anything. (One of the big changes from WC1 to WC2 is that the WC1 ships just aim where the enemy
currently is, while in WC2 they
lead their targets. But you also get the ability to do this, with the Improved Target Tracking System.)
One feature I haven't seen documented anywhere, but I'm sure exists: your
named wingmen will notice if you are in their cone of fire, and will
usually not shoot through you to attack the enemy. This does not apply to any other allied ships... and to the Maniac.