How did the False Armistice affect the “Doomsday Projects”?

Top Secret super weapons likely would have been called to be scrapped. The Behemoth would have been ordered to be dismantled hence the vulnerable areas which culminated in its destruction in Loki. Once the Behemoth was put back on track, there likely wasn’t time to put the proper hull fittings back on.

Paladin did mention that Severin was captured a year prior. Which had to have been around the armistice or he was caught after it was lifted,

Not sure if the Genetic Enhancement program was on the chopping block and never renewed or was cancelled beforehand.
Probably the GE somehow kept running. True, there is little reason to trust Tolwyn when he stated that some projects were so highly classified that he is still learning about them, but somehow I believe him in that one. Why? Undoubtedly there were many --and possibly competing-- agencies each one having their own favorite project which didn't really talk to each other or to Confed HQ. Moreover, it is possible that some, like Tolwyn, in these agencies were not really convinced about the False Armistice so they kept their respective project(s) running at some level. Also the number and readiness level of the GE operatives and equipment among declining Confed black project funding in a post-war galaxy indicates that GE had achieved an advanced stage around or a little after the end of the war.
There's a bit in Fleet Action where they talk about how a similar project, "Omega", is still going on through the armistice.

"I do have one question that's troubling me though," Geoff finally said and he hesitated for a moment.
"What about Project Omega?"
Banbridge looked over at Tolwyn in surprise.
"Son, you were never cleared to know that. Damn, if I had known you were on the in on Project Omega I'd never have let you go running off with Tarawa the way you did. You aren't supposed to know anything about it."
Tolwyn smiled
"But I do, and don't ask me how."
Banbridge nodded.
"Still being supported through black hands. This project Rodham does know about, but no one else in the cabinet has been cleared. He agreed to keep it going, I guess in part as a lever to force the Chief into signing the armistice. Rodham thinks Omega is our ace in the hole."
"And how close is it to completion?"
Banbridge shook his head
"A hell of a lot of snags, six months before we could even fire up the engines on the first ship, a year more likely, though the conservatives are saying eighteen months is a safe bet"
Tolwyn shook his head at the news. There was something ironic about the war that he felt an outside observer would find amusing. The Kilrathi had gone through incredible expense and effort to start the secret building of a new class of carriers, if indeed what flimsy information intel had been able to dig up so far was true. The Confederation was doing the same thing. It was not so much a super carrier along the lines of suspected Kilrathi design, but more a Stealth, heavily armored battlewagon with upgraded shielding that was proof against medium-yield antimatter warheads. There were rumors as well of a super weapon to be carried on the new ship, but that was an even darker secret. They were still a dream, however, and would have no impact on this war, hidden like the Kilrathi construction yard, as far as possible from the battle front.
I guess the two stories didn't have a lot of interplay when they were written?

If we think about it in universe, then the situation was perhaps more complicated. Following common logic, we can't assume that the Confederation really intended to completely disarm itself and trust that the Empire would really accept a long-lasting peace. These tactics on both sides were aimed at relieving the immediate predicament as quickly as possible. Under this hypothetical premise, whether or not a program like Behemoth would be halted depends on a number of things, such as the diplomatic level, resource allocation, and so on.

And projects like the Genetic Enhancement program were by and large continued in secret if the demand for resources was not great.
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I guess the two stories didn't have a lot of interplay when they were written?

If we think about it in universe, then the situation was perhaps more complicated. Following common logic, we can't assume that the Confederation really intended to completely disarm itself and trust that the Empire would really accept a long-lasting peace. These tactics on both sides were aimed at relieving the immediate predicament as quickly as possible.

That sounds more reasonable both in- and out-of-universe
Probably not the tank specifically but they share the same reference to the Book of Revelation ("I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.") which they're taking to mean that the tank/ship (or on the Planet of the Apes, bomb) is the ultimate final weapon.
Do we know what project Omega is about? Could it been the GenSelect bio-weapon or something related to bioconvergence?
Some kind of warship! Fleet Action says "It was not so much a super carrier along the lines of suspected Kilrathi design, but more a Stealth, heavily armored battlewagon with upgraded shielding that was proof against medium-yield antimatter warheads. There were rumors as well of a super weapon to be carried on the new ship, but that was an even darker secret."

It's never mentioned again but I guess it could be the Cerberus!
I would believe the Temblor project and the GE program can go on unimpeded. The existence of the Behemoth could still be concealed from the public but it would still be way too big to fall under HQ’s radar. Hence the likelihood that the order would come likely from Rodham to have the Behemoth dismantled. After the Battle of Terra, it would be hastily patched back up.
That seems reasonable to me; black projects would be the last ones to be killed in this situation... since there's limited or no public oversight saying it has to happen.