How can i make an Avatar!

I contributed in a pretty major way to UE, in a smaller way to standoff, in a smaller way yet to the privateer 2 patch and wrote a few tutorials for WCPPascal... do I get an avatar? Nope. But thats probably because of my innate lack of coolness (and random ability to infuriate various CIC staff members). Besides I should be shot rather than praised for releasing those tutorials without formatting them for html viewing :D
Halman said:
Don't listen to these guys. You just need to be awesome.

One can be awe-inspiring in a bad way, I suppose.

Look at me, for instance. :eek:
*hugs Pedro* I feel with you pal, albeit you deserve an avatar more then me IMHO.
ChrisReid said:
So.. having ruled out regular sustained posting and positive contribution to the community, what else are you thinking of? Would you like us to award avatars to people who sit around and whine? There's an avatar for those people, but you wouldn't want it.

Yeah, I want to be able to eat off that Deck :D