Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
Dundradal said:It's kind of bullshit that there is going to be a halo 3 when bungie had said that halo 2 would rap up the loose ends, when instead it has only made it worse and making us wait a few more years for the answers.
It ended with a cliffhanger. Halo 2 answered a significant number of the questions left open in Halo 1, and then created new ones. This isn't contrary to anything Bungie said. What else did you expect?
Dundradal said:I'm not all that overly impressed with halo 2, the story is alright, but nothing super great, the game play has been dumbed down a lot, MP is a lot different now, 3 shotting someone in the head is gone, and a lot of the changes really aren't that great.
Yeah, a lot of the cheap exploits people complained about are gone now. I'm really at a loss to what sort of dumbed down changes you're referring to. In every way I think they've polished the gameplay and added more depth to it.