Mr. Standoff
Voiced by the actual WC2 Tolwyn and read straight out of Fleet Action, no less!The messages from Tolwyn were awesome.
We use the stock WCP/SO AI, which assigns each pilot a set of values between 1 and 6 (I think) for about 5 different attributes (flying, shooting, survivability, et cetera). So yes, we tried to make the Drakhai tougher than the average Kilrathi pilot as much as we could.The sheer size of the Hakaga as well as that fact that it matched pictures and the descriptions of it (6 fighter bays/etc.) was awesome. Adding Drakhai fighters was awesome. I wasn't sure if they were programmed to fly any better than the regular fighters, but I made an effort to take them out first just in case.
(...though I think our toughest pilot in the whole game is Ep 1 Sparrow, to make the duel more interesting.)
Well, that is absolutely a really great thing to hear from where I'm standing. We'll try our best to top the Hakaga mission somewhere in Ep 5.Not only was this mission my favorite of all the games, but I think Standoff ranks up there with even my favorite Wing Commander games.