Hakaga Mission Challenge

The messages from Tolwyn were awesome.
Voiced by the actual WC2 Tolwyn and read straight out of Fleet Action, no less! :D

The sheer size of the Hakaga as well as that fact that it matched pictures and the descriptions of it (6 fighter bays/etc.) was awesome. Adding Drakhai fighters was awesome. I wasn't sure if they were programmed to fly any better than the regular fighters, but I made an effort to take them out first just in case.
We use the stock WCP/SO AI, which assigns each pilot a set of values between 1 and 6 (I think) for about 5 different attributes (flying, shooting, survivability, et cetera). So yes, we tried to make the Drakhai tougher than the average Kilrathi pilot as much as we could.

(...though I think our toughest pilot in the whole game is Ep 1 Sparrow, to make the duel more interesting.)

Not only was this mission my favorite of all the games, but I think Standoff ranks up there with even my favorite Wing Commander games.
Well, that is absolutely a really great thing to hear from where I'm standing. We'll try our best to top the Hakaga mission somewhere in Ep 5. :p
Well, that is absolutely a really great thing to hear from where I'm standing. We'll try our best to top the Hakaga mission somewhere in Ep 5. :p
I don't know if I could handle that! That would be phenomenal.
We use the stock WCP/SO AI, which assigns each pilot a set of values between 1 and 6 (I think) for about 5 different attributes (flying, shooting, survivability, et cetera). So yes, we tried to make the Drakhai tougher than the average Kilrathi pilot as much as we could.

(...though I think our toughest pilot in the whole game is Ep 1 Sparrow, to make the duel more interesting.)
That's awesome! I wish the Prophecy/Secret Ops people had programmed tougher opponents though. I'm not bragging about this since I'm sure other pilots have noticed this, but there really isn't an ace in any of the Wing Commander games that's a huge challenge. Flash in WC3 is tough if you miss with all your missiles, but he's by no means the amazingly talented pilot he's supposed to be. I guess the only way to get around this to make a really challenging 1v1 duel would be to have the ace in a MUCH superior fighter. Other that that, can you guys clone an AI construct of Sternenwind for Ep.5?
Other that that, can you guys clone an AI construct of Sternenwind for Ep.5?

I'm sure he would love that, but as the only person so far to take him on in WCP MP (going 0 - 3 btw against him) I think that would be pretty intense.

And the AI is something hardcoded IIRC so the guys can't mess with it.

On your other thoughts on the AI, the thing is with the WCP/SO AI is its addicted to ABs. You don't notice as much in WCP/SO because Nephilim ships don't have AB flares, but in Standoff you can see the kat fighters constantly using them.
That's awesome! I wish the Prophecy/Secret Ops people had programmed tougher opponents though.
They did - some of the Nephilim pilots (particularly the aces) had much higher stats than the rest. There was also a great degree of variation amongst Confed pilots.