Greatest Wing Commander Moments?

Patience is for cowards! The Kilrathi act! But when in Rome, do as the Romans, I guess.

Actually I am working far less than I should...
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt

Actually I am working far less than I should...
Ben voyons!!

I think it's going to be hard keeping my GPA high, considering the time I spend on the CIC... :)

It's exam time here too, you know... (aber keine Abitur... etwas schwieriger!! ;) )
As someone whose wc experience comes most from the novels here are my best moments.

1. Tolwyn saving the Tarawa at the end of end run.
2. Beating the secrect mission my Super Nintendo on the hard difficulty and seeing Empereor Execute his son.
3. Making it through a asteroid field in Privateer on full afterburner without any damage
4. Big Duke's mad plan to destroy the supercarriers
1. Tolwyn's death in WC4
2. Roberts Idea of Tolwyn is way different from Forstchen's
3. Finding Out Jazz is a Traitor after I read Freedom Flight
4. Kirha commiting suicide
5. WCM
I should say I have never played WC II or WCP.

Originally posted by Wedge
As someone whose wc experience comes most from the novels here are my best moments.

1. Tolwyn saving the Tarawa at the end of end run.
2. Beating the secrect mission my Super Nintendo on the hard difficulty and seeing Empereor Execute his son.
3. Making it through a asteroid field in Privateer on full afterburner without any damage
4. Big Duke's mad plan to destroy the supercarriers
1. Tolwyn's death in WC4
2. Roberts Idea of Tolwyn is way different from Forstchen's
3. Finding Out Jazz is a Traitor after I read Freedom Flight
4. Kirha commiting suicide
5. WCM
Originally posted by Wedge

2. Beating the secrect mission my Super Nintendo on the hard difficulty and seeing Empereor Execute his son.
WOW!! That's what happens in the SNES version?!! Damn... How come it's so different from the PC games?
Yeah, the Gilkarg execution is at the end of both the SNES and the PC versions of SM1 SNES...

... the SNES version, though, is the only one with the Warhammer introduction.
Oh, SNES SM has a WC2 style cinematic intro with Gilkarg and one of his commanders... here's the dialogue.

The Vega Sector has fallen.
World after world is freed as the Kilrathi Empire flees the Confederation fleet.
In a dead run for the safety of their home worlds,
the Imperial Forces abandon all of their enslaved planets...
... but one.
Weapons Development Planet of the Kilrathi Empire
"It is done, my Admiral. The Graviton Weapon is completed."
"Excellent. Our fleet has bought us just enough time."
"Now the tide will turn."
"Shall the Goddard Colony be the first test site?"
"You are standing on the first test site, Commander."
"A world under our control? The Emperor will not allow it!"
"Leave that to me."
"We must remove all evidence of our work here."
"How better than with the weapon we have developed?"
"Think of it..."
"A small explosion and then... for a few moments..."
"... the total gravitational field of the planet increases 137 fold!"
"Nothing will remain!"
"We have recieved word, my Admiral. The Terran Fleet is approaching."
"Let them come... Let them come. They will find nothing here."
"But at Goddard we will provide a welcome they shall not soon forget."
Cool. :cool:
Is the SNES SM included in SNES WC or is it a seperate module?

P.S.: I assume we learn about Kirha comitting suicide in False Colors . That is almost as sad as Hobbes' defection for me. :( Is it because hunters' death and Kirha feeling responsible because he could not prevent it?

[Edited by Mekt-Hakkikt on 04-13-2001 at 15:34]