Another small contribution on mine in the name of a small pseudo-quest of reanimating idea traffic on this thread

I post a few conceptions which came to my mind while playing X-Universe games (as an act of satiating my hunger for a good privateerish game):
General ideas:
* WC Pioneer as a game should be a rich source of lore about the Landreich systems as an integral part of WC universe. This goal -- IMO -- can be achieved with imparting deatiled infobase concerning various systems, planets and other stellar objects, organisations, government(s), celebrities, pirate gangs (if any), ship types and their subsystems (like shield types, missiles, guns and devices). If this would be to much work to write or out of boundaries of workload, you plan to invest into Pioneer, you can always employ many eager WC fans here, who would be glad to write ( of that i am sure) any valid info, based on their vast knowledge emerging from lecture of books and so on... At the end it would be you, who would decide what to use and what to dump. Reading and learning those things while playing Pioneer would be a great fun (at least for me).
* I don't know what physical flight model you are going to use in Pio and what is allowed by WC setting, but useing the inertia physics and devices (like some kind of inertia dumpeners enhancing maneouverability of a ship) would be sweet
* Inspired by oldschool elite family games - the mis-jump effect. As with previous idea - do't know, whether it even exists in WC games, but possibility of a jump drive malfunction leading you to a different (possibly unknown) system is always a fun thing to happen. And the trouble it causes... well, just an idea.
* This was very lightly discussed in context of cockpits - but what about cracked front cockpit windows?
Space environment ideas:
* These are very impressive in X2 and X3 - various in-system nebulas, with electricity discharges that would cloud ship sensors, disrupt shields, lower visibility and gun effectivity. In-nebula asteroid fields... etc.
* Asteroid fields are of course a must

. But will these be like in some space simulator - full of large and completely harmless asteroids - or will there be many relatively small, fast and knocking with each other asteroids just like in Empire strikes back movie -- I mean really dangerous fields which mean serious trouble (for you but also for your foes rushing into it on your tail).
* Waching some of WC:Academy cartoons gave me this idea - will there be any planets with Saturn-like asteroid belts - maybe with some bases hidden in one of those? A dogfight in such an environment would be soomething to remember! Writing a code for sometthing like this, too, I'm sure.
* This is just recycled idea of mine, from the top of this topic - pulsar and black hole systems -- myriad of possibilities here.
Having all of this in Pio would mean, that this game would be perfect in my eyes, hovewer perfect games doesn't exist so it will be great when you will pick just few of those best fitting with what you've already done so far.