
Just a random thought... Are there ANY female Wingnuts?! it seems to me that most of the posters here fall under the testosterone column...
Originally posted by Madman
hmm, youre like the ideal wife for most of the guys here hehe armada deathmatch on honeymoon etc lol
...And comments like that is precisely why women don't usually announce their presence here.
See, this is what the search feature is handy for... we don't keep repeating history! ;)

Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
Anyhow, in my experience female WingNuts usually want to be treated like the rest of the guys -- the whole "you're so special because you're a *girl*!" thing is transparent and pathetic... that whole stupid attitude is why you get a lot of women pretending to be guys when it comes to things like WC chat. If you'd talk to me about whether the Midway has dual heavy lasers or dual ion cannons, talk to her about that. She's here because she wants to chat Wing Commander, not because she wants people drooling over the fact that she's shaped differently (G).
But I think the most of ladies prefer #WingNut.

I also recall Manjana/Fishbone as a welcome female regular from a while back.
Concordia is supposedly a female, and can do stats far better than yours truly.

MMMMMmmmmmmm, Concordia! (Drool, drool!):p
I really don't think that anyone here is afraid of me.

But then, I hear T.C. is kinda cute......Hmmmmmm....;)
Naw, it's cool. Not offended at all. But Loaf is right... just because we're female doesn't mean we want people drolling all over us, or being a pain in the ass.

As for the jokes, no biggie LOL I'm a gamer... I'm used to being WAY outnumbered by the guys *grins* Besides they tend to underestimate us, and it can be a real advantage :D

Actually when I did play computer or video games against my ex-husband, I kicked his sorry ass on a regular basis LOL LOL And he refused to play Armada after seeing how well I do at the other WC games.
Originally posted by Tannim
Naw, it's cool. Not offended at all. But Loaf is right... just because we're female doesn't mean we want people drolling all over us, or being a pain in the ass.

As for the jokes, no biggie LOL I'm a gamer... I'm used to being WAY outnumbered by the guys *grins* Besides they tend to underestimate us, and it can be a real advantage :D

Actually when I did play computer or video games against my ex-husband, I kicked his sorry ass on a regular basis LOL LOL And he refused to play Armada after seeing how well I do at the other WC games.

I hope alot more girl gamers start coming out and saying hey I'm a gamer and there ain't a damn thing wrong with it and quickly too. So I don't have to deal with what my brother does (His wife hates computers and hates video games. but she tolerates it on a limited basis)
Still I rather have a wife that says let me kick your ass in a deathmatch. Instead of get the hell off the computer. I'm not Female but damn it I support you guys finally coming out and saying were here and were gonna frag all you guys out there. I have no problem with girls or women gamers beating the hell out of me in a game as If your better than me all the props to you then. I also like that idea better than losing the ability to be able to play at all. :D
I don't know . . . we have enough effeminate male posters here to make up some of the difference :).

It's a cool thing to have the person your with to have the same likes and dislikes as you, but it's okay if it doesn't happen that way. Both sides in a relationship have to have a domain that is their own to retreat back into for a while to have some 'me' time. Take my fiance of 3 years (I know its a long time - hell some marriages don't last that long - but we both wanted to be out of college before we tied the knot). We do tons of things together, go out, enjoy movies, play some video games, etc etc. but there are some things she does that I don't like to do (though I do swallow my pride every now and then) and some things she doesn't like to do (like anything sci-fi :), or more recent conversation, the new James Bond flick coming out) but she swallows hers every now and then and comes with me. I think its impoortant to have a little retreat into each of our likes every now and then (for me its a couple of TV shows that she doesn't enjoy, like any ST series or 24, or my WC games - for her its shopping, painting, and photography).

To make a long story short (too late :) ), being an individual in a relationship is just as important as all the dependent parts of a relationship entails.

I fully agree with you on the "we need some seperate zones" thing Viper but I definently couldn't see myself in a relationship where 3 of my favorite things (watching pro wrestling, watching Dramas like ER and the such and playing Video Games) are tossed a side and banned cause she doesn't like it. I don't mind if she has different tastes in music and movies some stuff like that. But I would rather have someone Who I could share my 3 favorite passions or talk about something that happened in those 3 that touched me. (I'm a Sap for tearing up abit after a character that you feel like you've gotten to know dies or gets severly wounded. things like that which the above mentioned stuff has very good examples of. you Can Laugh at that if you like.) I think its probably better to share interest in your favorite passions otherwise whats there to talk about. That being said You need stuff you don't have in common to keep your independence. :D