GeForce vs Radeon

I got a 256meg GeForce 6800 in my new computer. At first I was pretty underwhelmed with the results - playing Jedi Academy and Battlefield. It wasn't until I got FarCry and Chronicles Of Riddick that I realized the true power of that monster video card. Ye gods.
Pedro said:
As a side note PCIExpress DOES have a performance increase worth noting, just check some benchmarks.

Care to give reference?
All reference I can find points to an increase in performance in the 2% to maximum 5% area. Which isn't worth mentioning. ON IDENTICAL CHIPSETS. Of course better chipsets that are not available on AGP (yet?) perform faster.
Quarto said:
Yeah, except that PCIex cards are a good deal cheaper than their AGP counterparts. The price difference is often significant enough to offset the cost of the more expensive PCIex-compatible motherboard (and the more expensive processors generally needed for such motherboards). So, it doesn't cost you anything extra, and you're getting compatibility with the next generation of graphics cards as part of the deal.

I haven't monitored the price differences lately. If this is true - sure, go for it. Similar if ATI is cheaper then NVIDIA go ATI. All I claimed is that performance wise neither will give you much difference.
No offence but if you're going to pay ~£300 for a graphics card 5% is going to be noteable. And if you check the benchmarks for doom 3 the difference is slightly over 10%
Pedro said:
No offence but if you're going to pay ~£300 for a graphics card 5% is going to be noteable.

No, it isn't. Heck even a different motherboard often has more impact then 5%. 5% is a range that is only of theoretical interest or for those benchmark kiddies that just have to have the biggest one. Besides rather then spending more on a graphic card that is 5% faster I'd spend the money on one that uses less electricity/has a bigger fan. That way you could overclock it easyly for more then those 5% if those matter that much to you. A semi decent card should wor with at least 10% overclocking so there you have the significance of mere 5% base speed.

Pedro said:
And if you check the benchmarks for doom 3 the difference is slightly over 10%
