Freespace 3?

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On the real tho. I didnt know who this Derek Smart guy was, and ordinarily I wouldnt have gived a crap, but since he shares my same first name, not the spelling tho, I decided to dig.

Woah, there is a lot of hate for this guy out there, and I dont know why because I have never played any of his games before. I think that is a good thing.

I Love the WC universe, and I enjoyed Freespace and FS2, the universe isnt as engrosing or detailed, but the game was fun. I personally think that taking the game and making another would be a fun thing to do, but I dont think what he is doing is going to make any money, ie, taking the FS"universe" and making another game with a new engine. Like I said I have never played any of Mr. Smarts games, but I dont believe that the FS universe is that viable for an expansion by another party. Have you ever seen Mission Impossible the movie, prety good, up to the standard of the series, but then there was MI2, a horrible rendition of a great idea, and I blame it on the director who will remain nameless because I like his other movies. My point being is that with things of this nature, you must have some sort of guidelines, cannon if you will, and I do not see Mr. Smart keeping to those traditions while making a remake of FS, or any other game for that matter. From just the little I have read about him in the last few hours it seems like he lets his ego get in the way of his games, if I am mistaken please let me know, I am just intrigued by this, and why he is such a prominent fugure in gaming.
my redundant opinion

I like Freespace too, nice designs and advanced game mechanics. But the true original in space shooters is still WC.
And don't take Mr Smarty too serious and personal, he appears like a pouser, but that's him and not worth for more attention. His "opponents" aren't in no way better, if they adapt his behavior and "flame" with him around. And Battlecruiser - it was a nice idea, too - but now, a buggy mummy...

I don't understand the hatred against Freespace from the WCNews staff. Is it in a humorous or serious sense?
Freespace isn't really guilty of the death of the WC-Genre, IMHO. It's the fault of most of the gamer mainstream society today - they only want sport games (instead of making it in RL) and console games (the bad and simple ones of them). No, I don't "commit a Smartian Insult", it's the sad reality and my fabulous & legendary skill in English grammar.
Ok, it was the fault of the capitalistic politics of some companies, but call me insane, I don't still hate Freespace. The Space-Shooter/Combat Simulator genre was doomed after all - it's too unattractive too the main audience. They like much more soldier-fps with an easy getting in. Maybe Sci-Fi in general isn't very popular and most of the so-called "Sci-Fi" series in TV (the easiest medium to get in) are really crap...
Don't be stupid. No company would spend millions on a game if they thought it would sell 30,000 copies. Not even your imaginary not-profit-oriented company.
That's right. Excuse my lack of concentration, I overflown Loaf's post too fast and didn't sense a point (lol :/).

I just think, that they don't do a favor to themselves, if they block their game development with competition-meant.
Without competition things don't get better, they stagnate. And Smart can go play in a highway with some Shivans.

Post edited. Keep it civilised.
Seriously folks, watch your language. Unlike HLP, we try to keep an air of decency around here.

5) Since there are different people of different tastes and points of view, let's just say our opinions in a nice way and respect the others' reasonable opinions. Flames or other outright abusive language is not tolerated.

I know some of you feel very strongly about this, but voice your opinions in a civilised manner.
That's right for the most cases...

Hehe... Shivans... They wouldn't recognize him, because he falls under the category of a non significant beeing ;-)
Malar said:
That's right for the most cases...

Hehe... Shivans... They wouldn't recognize him, because he falls under the category of a non significant beeing ;-)

They'd recognize him as a human, which would be all that was needed. And they'd survive the traffic by jumping around.
The thing that scares me is that he stated that he will hunt donw and shut the fan projects. I don't think he CAN do that, but he's a very un-nice person indeed.
Edfilho said:
The thing that scares me is that he stated that he will hunt donw and shut the fan projects. I don't think he CAN do that, but he's a very un-nice person indeed.

DS's record for shutting down others because they're doing something he doesn't like is even more abysmal than his record for not holding down the trigger on an Uzi pointed at his feet. He's threatened multiple lawsuits because he's too thickheaded (well, arguably fuckheaded, too, but let's skip that for the moment) to learn to ignore the raving loons, with whom he competes for "how stupid can I make myself look today?", but hasn't actually even started the paperwork for starting proceedings (probably because any lawyer with 2 neurons to rub together will laugh him out of their office, and file a restraining order against DS just in case).
Ah well who cares.. I mean did anny of you guys try BC3K? You would hardly be able to startup the game without totally crashing your usually stable system anyways. So probably nobody would be able to play freespace 3 if he created it, and everybody will give about as much atention to it as they gave to BC3K. Install -> Load -> Crash -> Delete. I'm not interested in a Freespace game that's not developed by volition or a group sponsored by them. It's like..... sunflower games creating privateer online :S unimaginable.

Long live WC long live Freespace Long live Lancer Long live spacesims!!!!!! And please let's not give this moron more attention! ;)
Hehehehe, I can imagine Freespace 3 now. Developed on a budget of whatever he can sell his Benz and that classy gold chain for, because no publisher would be stupid enough to actually give him money to work on software (delusional thinking, I know.)

But man that'd make a great sacrifice for Dragon*Con 2015 when it's finally finished. And then we can do it again at D*C 2072 when he releases the final patch so people can actually install and play the game. Good times.
I was just recently informed of who Mr Smart was and I have to say I've seen some major jerks on the internet in the past, but this guy is definitely one of the kings of comedy.

Who's up for wiping their ass with his game manual and mailing it back to him?
The data on Freespace sales is inaccurate, to the best of my knowledge. FS2 sold around 85,000 copies, about half of the original Freespace, and about the same as the first I-War and I-War Deluxe combined. FS2 and I-War were up against XWing Alliance, which moved more than 200,000 copies.

It was the following year that the wheels came off:

Tachyon - 60,000
Starlancer - 30,000
Allegiance -12,000
X:BTF - 11,000
I-War 2 - 10,000
milo: Now THAT's a depressing read...

KrisV: (About insinuated lack of manners on HLP.) If you mean the harsh language, know that there's a lot of passion on that forum. Many have contributed to the SCP, many have crafted interface-art, MANY have made mods and missions (which was the basis for founding the community in the first place) - myself included. And now this outsider with the worst possible reputation and attitude towards the Freespace-franchise comes along and insults the community (sure, some of it was provoked, and some of it wasn't), threatens to rip out the floor it's standing on, and chucks in the mandatory threat of lawsuit for good measure? They/we have every reason to be upset. In ordinary circumstances, HLP is civilised, easygoing, and pleasant, with little or no need for moderation, but these are not ordinary circumstances.

LeHah: I would, but I bet the paper's all waxy. :) Too messy for me to consider it worthwhile. I certainly would love to do that, though, if it meant I wouldn't need to buy a FUBAR game for who knows how much.

Frosty: Heh, I'd love to be there for that party!

Well, this is probably my last post here for quite a while - education coming up, boarding-school way outta town, and with this Smart/FS3-debacle I've been inspired to make a campaign for FS2. With a mission-tree that would measure up to WC1. Needless to say, it'll take a whole lot of days of my time just to wring out a decent plot. FREDing will take a whole lot longer... So, as of this day I'll most likely take some time off from this place. I wish I could have gone with a little more class, but what're you gonna do. Fight the good fight.
LeHah said:
I was just recently informed of who Mr Smart was and I have to say I've seen some major jerks on the internet in the past, but this guy is definitely one of the kings of comedy.

Who's up for wiping their ass with his game manual and mailing it back to him?

Same here, and hey Im down, I work in a restaurant, Ill eat fried crap and fruit for the next week just to make it that much sweeter.

the only good thing I can see come out of this, is like LOAF said, the wing commander rights are not for sale. This is the first time I am happy EA has the wing commander rights.
Mystery muppet said:
milo: Now THAT's a depressing read...
KrisV: (About insinuated lack of manners on HLP.) If you mean the harsh language, know that there's a lot of passion on that forum. Many have contributed to the SCP, many have crafted interface-art, MANY have made mods and missions (which was the basis for founding the community in the first place) - myself included.
In ordinary circumstances, HLP is civilised, easygoing, and pleasant, with little or no need for moderation, but these are not ordinary circumstances.
I've been to HLP before, and everytime something happens that they don't like, stupidity and vulgarity goes unchecked. As I said, it's limited to a dozen individuals, but the place is essentially unmoderated.
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