Freelancer is buggy as hell...but fun.

Pfftt...excuses, i said: i will take the platform...And you...i don´t know what relly happened with you...that was strange,,, the platform can´t kill you with one shot
Current gripe -
Flying in the Bretonia systems last night, and every time I needed to enter a trade lane, the stupid dock autopilot kept insisting on putting me into the trade lane in the opposite direction of my waypoint.
Mind you, this was always when I was in a hurry to bug out and go somewhere due to the seven or eight pirates trying to put little plasma holes in the tail of my fighter.
Pfft, that's nothing compared to when you're in formation and someone tries to land... You get pulled into the edge of the docking ring and flung to your death in the ocean.
Allright, I did the shortcut to

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\EXE\Freelancer.exe" -s66.155.125.12:2302

And nothing changed. The game starts as usual and the server doesn't show up anywhere.
Thanks, but I still can't connect. Even with the shortcut, everything is the same. Multiplayer - Internet, and no Drakkai Server. Not searching by the letter, or searching by the IP number.

What's supposed to happen? Should the game connect directly when the -s command is used, or it does make the server appear together with the other ones?
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\EXE\Freelancer.exe" -s66.155.127.83:2302

Drakhai Test server will, I believe, then be the only server listed unless you play with your filters.
He sure did... and there were people on there the other night... and I tested it to make sure I had the settings right when I was explaining things to Cam.