Flight Commander 1.1 Released

Heres a strange bug -

pressing S on the keyboard during gameplay will crash the game 100% of the time.

system specs and info:

OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600
AMD athlon 64 3200
Geforce 4 ti4200 (64mb)
Total Physical Memory 1,024.00 MB
Available Physical Memory 698.54 MB
Total Virtual Memory 2.00 GB
Available Virtual Memory 1.96 GB
Page File Space 1.65 GB
Yes, I know pressing s and x will crash the game. They're supposed to be used for debugging turrets. If you target a turret, you can test its movement with the s and x keys. I left it in for debugging, so just try not to press them :).
eddieb said:
Yes, I know pressing s and x will crash the game. They're supposed to be used for debugging turrets. If you target a turret, you can test its movement with the s and x keys. I left it in for debugging, so just try not to press them :).

Hey Eddieb, this will be a good idea to write about this in the manual ;)
eddieb said:
Ok, so it may be related to the videos then. If you open up the avis in a standalone movie player, do they play fine?

no, they dont work I downloaded the Flight Commander 1.1 Released and reinstall it and I got the same problem
Ok, since you said they don't work in a standalone movie player, it looks like something in your windows movie codec settings is screwed up. If the movies don't play in windows normally, they definitely won't play in Flight Commander. What you can do to get past this is move or delete all .avi files in the Flight Commander directory, the game should still work, but you won't see any videos.
Looks like you needed to dl the latest Intel video codecs.

This looks helpful. Full codec pack for XP.
