First to Fight! Anyone else playing?

Maj.Striker said:
Yeah, another reason why I like it. There are some cursors but not when you zoom in for an accurate shot. :)

I thought there was also an option to turn off the cross hair all the time.
Mav23 said:
I'm pretty sure you can play COD2 like that.

The same idea is used in the Red Orchestra mod for Unreal Tournament 2004. There aren't any crosshairs, so the only way to aim is to go into "ironsight" mode, during which time you can't move. Minimalistic realism seems to be the order of the day in modern FPSes, commercial and otherwise.
Ridgerunner said:
If you want an intense physical challenge you should try D.I. School, and then give SEER school a shot. Other than that, you should try to win the Ironman. As a fun deal, they used to have the Volkslauf at MCAS(H) Tustin, but since they closed the base down and sent everyone to Pendelton they may be doing it there now. That's a tradition that I would really like to see continued. The last one I ran, a civilian team won. Yep, everyone got beat by a bunch of civilians.:o


What is SEER school?
d3r3k said:
What is SEER school?

Survival, Escape, Evasion and Resistance.

You get to be a prisoner of war.:eek:

Survival: When you're not captured, you get to eat moss, bugs, and whatever else you can come up with.
Escape: If you get captured, you try to escape.
Evasion: You try not to get captured, so you can go on eating bugs and moss.
Resistance: You try not to give any information to your interrogators.

You also learn there are military schools where you can get punched and slapped around.
Ridgerunner said:
Pretty cool game I got for Christmas. I'm not really a fan of first person shooters, but the Marine angle kinda got me going. I only found 3 real discrepancies, which is pretty good considering all the Marines involved with developing the game.

My friend plays it and likes it when the saw gunner mows down the terrorists.:D