
Yes but only the bugs were said to have it I'm saying both have it would then explain the radar but still make it difficult to hit the missiles.

Also what about making torpedos are an enterty like the torpedo as in they aren't detectable but can be shot down then with a texture animation routie set it up so it acts like a skipper so it gives the fell or a skip.

Also assuming the bugs are extremly addvanced they may have the tech and power to creat a small fleet of clocked war ships. Note they don't have to be overkill with armor and turrents.

Also is there a invicablity switch for certain entites??
You can't target torps, but they're definitely visible on radar, Earthworm. I think they're a greenish-grey colour, but I might be mistaken.
As for switching alignment... yes, you could do that as often as you like. Heck, you could even have the player switching between Nephilem and Confed every five seconds :). The real question is, how would we make sure that the cloaking/decloaking is synchronised with the alignment switching. But who knows? Maybe there are ways.
Originally posted by Quarto
You can't target torps, but they're definitely visible on radar, Earthworm. I think they're a greenish-grey colour, but I might be mistaken.
Eh, Q, when exactly did I say anything about torps?:)
Originally posted by Earthworm
Confederation does have anti-cloack technology, as demonstrated many times in the games and novels.

Thats exactly what i was tryng to say Dark Tower. ;)

Q: i think you can set a time between the change (textured/transparent), so if you can keep the same time in the alignment changes, i think it could work...i will try to do something with animated textures later
Well, bugger. I just don't see it, KW.

Wait, that didn't come out right. I do see it. That's the problem :(.
One problem down :). I've just solved the age-old question of how to commit treason and get away with it. It's a simple matter, really. You just add an alignment change line into the ship's deathprog. In other words, the ship can be friendly, but at that very moment of its death, it becomes an alien. So, nobody minds that you shot it down :).
Neither version worked? Strange:(, it gave you any errors?
Did you wait a few seconds? Because it keeps "cloaking" in and out every few seconds...
I will send some pics for you to take a look, along with the files again
I just tested it and it runs fine...
By the way, did you used the right ship, you need to check the ALIEN drone, not the confed one i sent you, maybe it wasnt clear in the mail...
Gah, stupid me! I did check the Alien Drone, but for some reason I can't even remember any more, I'd switched the Alien Drone with the Piranha :). It was only when I realised that not even Piranhas are that manoeuvrable that I thought of pressing F6 - and saw nothing :D. Now I'm gonna test the permanent cloak model, but I'm sure it'll also work.

BTW, what did you set the time between cloaking and decloaking to? I'll want to see, later, if I can sync that with the alignment changes.
Ah, oui. The permanent cloaking system also works fine :). BTW, the reason why you can always see it in the targetting screen is because the targetting screen has much higher light levels.
In other words, you'd have to make the texture even more transparent if you wanted it to be less visible.
If i make it more transparent, you wouldnt see anything at all...
If you notice the "cloacking" model, it still appears when its invisible, so i dont think that is the case.
As i sayd, i havent figured the time setting very well yet, when i do that i will tell you.:)
Ok, i have the time thing figured, i got it just after i posted previously, but hadnt time to reply until now :D
I made a new file that make it decloacked for 3 seconds, them cloacked for another 3, i think its a fair time to lock on it and still keep the things interesting for a skipper...if you want i think i can made it stay cloacked for 6 seconds and decloacked for 3 to make it harder...
Later i will try to change the alien capmiss mesh to the actual WC3 skipper, almost sure its possible :D

[Edited by KillerWave on 11-21-2000 at 14:23]